Sunday, June 21, 2020

Charity Sunday: Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative

Charity Sunday is a monthly blog hop founded by author Lisabet Sarai at her blog, Beyond Romance. The idea is to support a charity, or non-profit. For each comment other than mine on this post, over the next 30 days, I will donate $2 per comment (excluding my own) for a total of $50 to Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative

Oh, what a month June has been, and May too. So much heartbreak, and so damned much tragedy. It was a forceful reminder of the advantages I have as a white female. I knew I wanted an organization that would honor and help Black folk but it's also Pride month and I didn't want to ignore that. I'm straight, and again, that gives me privileges. I did some poking around and found several organizations that looked like they do excellent work for both Black Americans and trans Americans. I went with the collaborative as I do believe punishment is not always, or even often, appropriate. Rehabilitation should be the goal in many cases. And it's Blacks and other colored folk as well people who are not cis who tend to get caught in the system and have trouble making a good, safe life for themselves. 

The Collaborative is a Black, trans-led, broad-based collaborative to restore an Atlanta, GA where every person has the opportunity to grow and thrive without facing unfair barriers, especially from the criminal legal system. They have programs, resources, and a newsletter. For more specifics, check out their website.

Now, go do something that helps - donate, act, protest, sign petitions, something. Please.


  1. Hello, Bea,

    Thank you for participating today, and for choosing such an inspiring organization to support.

    Are you from Atlanta?


  2. Thank you for participating in charity Sunday and bringing awareness to others

  3. I agree, that since March, America has been in a downward spiral between the virus, the needless deaths and the protests. I pray that things get better soon for Everyone!

  4. Thanks for participating in Charity Sunday, Bea!

  5. Thanks for participating! I have seen many heartbreaking things and learned a lot over the last few months.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. It's truly sad that we need organizations like this to allow for people to grow and achieve their potential...safely. It should be a birthright. But a great cause to support!

  7. We must make it better, to not just "tolerate" the existence of others, but to accept and embrace. Lives depend on it. Those of us with privilege need to use it as true allies and supporters.

  8. Excellent choice. Thank you for putting it where I would see it.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!