Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Memes: Devoted in Death by J.D. Robb

I'm participating in two Friday book memes, Book Beginnings On Fridays, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice.

Every Friday, share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

For the Friday 56, grab a book, any book. Turn to Page 56, or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that's okay. Find a snippet, short and sweet. Post it, and add the url to your post at the link here.

I'm still working on my beginning to end re-read of Robb's In Death series and am up to book 41. Only 9 more to go ! :D 

The first kill was an accident. Mostly. 

The quote is from 56%  in the ebook.

When he followed Peabody and McNab out, Eve eyed the coffee pot.
"Absolutely not."
"You don't get to say--"
"I do, and I'd expect you to do the same for me. Your blood must be three-quarters caffeine by now. You're vibrating with it."

What book are you embarking on? Please share in the comments. Happy Friday!


  1. I've only listened to the first two books. I have a long way to go. 😊 Have a great weekend!

  2. I've read the first three books in this series and enjoyed them. I really need to pick up with the next one! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. The first few books were rough but it gets much better.

  3. Replies
    1. I know, right? Short, simple, evocative, and an attention grabber.

  4. I've read the first three books, and would love to get back to this series sooner rather than later.

  5. Mostly... lol... sounds good! I added you to the linky but hope you stop by for our memeversary!

    1. That's odd. I entered my linky info and it showed I was the first one. I hope the linky isn't broken. Thanks for re-entering it.

  6. I read the first couple of books in this series. Another series I need to get back to reading.

    1. I have several of those. It's hard to find the time sometimes.

  7. It's been way too long since I've read any of the books in this series. I'll have to catch up. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  8. I really want to try the JD Robb books. I really enjoy her Nora Roberts books but somehow I've never read any of these.

    1. I like these a little bit better than her Roberts books. I think you'd like these.

  9. Boy does that opening grab my attention! I have all sorts of question, and I love it! The 56 snippet made me laugh. Sounds just like me. xD Gonna have to check this series out!

    Here's my Friday post.

    1. Yeah, I thought people might be able to relate to that 56 snippet. :D

  10. I admire your dedication! I don't think I've finished a mystery series yet -- although I have many I'm working on -- let alone set about rereading any.

    I haven't read JD Robb books because I'm afraid they are too scary. Are they? I don't like serial killers or sex crimes.

    1. Hmm, these probably won't work for you then. The series has lots of serial killers and sex crimes. As for finishing the series, when I like one, I try to read it all the way through. I'm a completist, I guess.

  11. These are both great quotes. I am looking forward to tackling this series from the beginning.


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