Saturday, February 22, 2020

Bea Reviews No More Naps! by Chris Grabenstein & Illustrated by Leo Espinosa

Publisher: Random House
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: Feb. 4th, 2020
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | iTunes* | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

The #1 New York Times bestselling middle grade powerhouse of Lemoncello fame brings his wit and humor to a pint-sized audience in his picture book debut that turns the universal dilemma of getting kids to sleep on its head.

It’s time for a nap but, just like stubborn toddlers everywhere, Annalise Devin McFleece won’t have anything to do with bedtime. Dad tries to encourage sleepiness by pushing her around the park in her stroller. Along the way, they pass a man sitting on a bench, dog walkers walking dogs, a boy on a skateboard, kids playing ball, a girl practicing her juggling, and others. Each of them thinks that taking a nap is a great idea and if Annalise Devin McFleece doesn’t want hers, they’ll happy take it. And one by one, everyone falls asleep…except Annalise Devin McFleece. But when she’s finally ready for her nap, all the naps are taken! Is there anyone who has an extra nap to spare?

With every turn of the page, the busy city scene becomes more and more quiet…except for Annalise Devin McFleece.

Will she ever take a nap?

Bea's Thoughts:

Is that cover not perfect? Completely irresistible. Illustrator Espinosa perfectly captures a pissed off toddler. Just look at that expressive face, the eyes, the rigid body. Yeah, Espinosa has spent time around a toddler, lol. That same care is seen inside the book. With a few lines and color, Espinosa captures a toddlers emotional highs and lows as well as the poor folks having to deal with a tired, uncooperative toddler.

Annalise Devin McFleece does NOT want to nap. Her parents are tired, the neighbors are tired, the construction workers in the street are tired. Annalise is wearing everyone out. Dad comes up with a plan, one that has worked for many parents. But not for him. Annalise Devin McFleece does NOT want to nap. As dad and Annalise stroll through the city, people and animals all around them begin to fall asleep. They are happy and willing to take naps even if Annalise Devin McFleece does NOT want to nap. The practical side of me kept worrying about potential accidents as all the adults kept falling asleep, even the garbage man. It was sheer luck no one got hurt! Anyway, as everyone falls alseep, Annalise becomes bored. There is no one to scream at, fuss at, or shriek at. It was Boring, capital B boring. Being a toddler, and contrary as all get out, soon Annalise Devin McFleece WANTS to nap. She wants to NAP, damn it! Don't tell her no. LOL Toddler and contrary are synonyms, dontcha know. :D

"No More Naps!" is humorous, and oh so relatable. Despite the delightful artwork, it's a little hard for toddlers to sit through, though my 2.5 year olds mostly manage it. The one year olds start to lose interest. The text is too long for the younger ones. It's really geared more for preschoolers and kindergarteners. While a little wordy, it's a fun, humorous story and worth a read, even if just for the artwork.

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