Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Excerpt & Giveaway: Finding His Fantasy by Deanna Wadsworth

Today I'm delighted to have romance author Deanna Wadsworth here with a giveaway of and excerpt from her new book, "Finding His Fantasy". Deanna Wadsworth might be a bestselling erotica author, but she leads a pretty vanilla life in Ohio with her wonderful husband and a couple adorable cocker spaniels. She has been spinning tales and penning stories since childhood, and her first erotic novella was published in 2010. She has served multiple board positions at her local RWA chapter and with Rainbow Romance Writers of America. When she isn’t writing books or brainstorming with friends, you can find her making people gorgeous in a beauty salon. She loves music and dancing, and can often be seen hanging out on the sandbar in the muddy Maumee River or chilling with her hubby and a cocktail in their basement bar. In between all that fun, Deanna cherishes the quiet times when she can let her wildly active imagination have the full run of her mind. Her fascination with people and the interworkings of their relationships have always inspired her to write romance with spice and love without boundaries.

You can also find her young adult alter ego, K.D. Worth FacebookTwitter

Find Deanna online:

Thank you, Bea’s Books, for hosting me today and featuring my latest book FINDING HIS FANTASY.

FINDING HIS FANTASY is my fourth 1NightStand book from Decadent Publishing and—I know all authors say this of their latest book—one of my favorites. That’s probably because of Paul (the blond.) He was such a strong character and he has more opinions than is probably good for him, but after 48 years, a man’s bound to form a few, right? He’s definitely NOT a cookie cutter m/m romance hero and while he comes across as brash and opinionated, deep down he hides a wounded soul. Josef sees right through his act because Josef has secrets he is hiding too. Together they find a real connection they’ve been unable to achieve with anyone else. I enjoy writing flawed characters that feel real to me and Paul is no acceptation. He smokes and drinks—making no apologies for either BTW—and while I was concerned that some readers would be turned off by the smoking, I had to just say f*** it and let Paul be Paul.

He wouldn’t have it any other way!

Check out this excerpt of Paul on his 1Night Stand date with the sexy Josef:

They stood there, staring and smiling at each other as two drinks appeared before them. Paul didn’t know if the bartender said anything else or not; everything around him had become white noise. The breeze, the soft chatter of voices, and the music all created a backdrop for the main act before him.

He raised his glass in a toast, and Josef did the same with his scotch. “To new friends,” he said, shocked at how badly he wanted so much more from this man.

Since when was he the love-at-first-sight type?

Cautioning himself not to get carried away too quickly, he took a hefty swallow of his vodka gimlet. The tart, strong drink made his cheeks pucker. “Delicious,” he said, eyeing Josef sipping his single malt. “It seems everything at this resort is perfect this evening.”

Long lashes lowered seductively and the other man smiled. “Oui, en effet.”

His smile was translation enough for Paul to know whatever he’d said, it was in agreement. His heart skipped and he couldn’t have wiped the smile from his face if he tried. He placed one arm on the bar, using the position to lean closer and get a whiff of his herbal cologne and the whiskey on his breath. “Where are you from?”

Josef glanced up and their eyes met again and held. “Haiti.” He gestured with his glass, his movements sensual and graceful. “Now here.”

Haitian, hence the French. Since he wasn’t American, would he be circumcised or not? Paul hoped for the latter. Not the time or the place to be asking, however. But he would find out before the night ended.

“Lucky you,” Paul said, still stuck on the mystery of his cock and its possible accompaniments. “Living somewhere so warm.”

“I do not like the cold,” he said, suppressing a shiver. “Je déteste beaucoup.”

“I’ve spent all my life in Milwaukee, so I’m no stranger to winter. The older I get, though, the less I like the cold. But I do like the fashion of layers, scarves and sweaters.”

“Ah, but here, the fashion can be next to nothing.” He winked. “So much easier to enjoy the natural form of the human body, non?”

He took a gulp of his cocktail. “Very true.”


Forty-eight-year-old art gallery owner Paul Strait loves the nightlife—wild parties, stiff cocktails, and even stiffer men! But his decadent lifestyle has grown lonely and now he’s looking for love. Some days it seems the perfect guy must be a fantasy so he enlists the help of Madame Eve. After all, a fantasy service like 1Night Stand should be able to deliver his fantasy man, right? 
Josef Debrossé runs an exotic gay bar in the Caribbean known only to locals and select tourists. The many patrons coming in and out of his bar ensure he never has a shortage of lovers, but he’s grown tired of being just a vacation fling. He wants to be another man’s lover and partner, not a mere souvenir from the islands. 
Lost in a dance of lust and allure, both men are thrilled with Madame Eve’s choice for them and have an instant, intense connection. Flirting over drinks quickly leads to the bedroom. But after their fiery lust has been quenched, the night goes from fantasy to reality without warning. Secrets and frightening pasts threaten to shatter the magical illusion of their perfect date. Will this budding romance survive in the face of reality?

Series: 1NightStand
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Release Date: February 9, 2016
Formats: ebook
* associate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

****Leave a comment w/ email for a chance to win one of Deanna’s previous 1Night Stand books****

Giveaway ends at11:59PM EST on Saturday, Feb. 20th. Please read my giveaway and privacy policies.


  1. I really enjoy these 1Night Stand Books.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. This sounds wonderful.



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