Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Book Share #175

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

I had a busy week at work and a quiet week here on the blog. My asthma flare is hanging on, it refuses to die. I need to go back to the doctor and see what we can do. There won't be a post next Sunday as I'll be at stepmother's house for the long weekend. She's prepping it to sell and all of us kids are going down to pick what we want. My two sisters don't get along and I expect it will be a stressful weekend.  

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: 'rick lafleur jane yellowrock', 'sexy ranchers', 'welcome home cat', and more variations of 'nora roberts 2016 releases' 

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I requested "Cinco de Mayhem" and "Extreme Honor" some time ago and had forgotten about them. Now to fit them into my schedule. :D "The Cracked Spine" and "Everything She Wanted" were publisher requests and my willpower was weak. :P

Review Consideration

I have to give this author points for persistence. He's been sending unsolicited print copies for for review for years and I've yet to review, or read, any of them. However, there are several in the 'maybe someday' pile and I've added this to that pile. He also sends fun swag with each book but this one didn't have any. :(

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I grabbed On His Watch. Dang about the asthma. I still have this stupid cough and congestion. It was almost gone and then hubby came home with it, and Sophia..bah. At least I know I am alive. Good luck next weekend, but don't over do it.

    1. Thanks! Bummer about your cold, bad family. :P Hopefully you feel better soon.

  2. This week flew by, seems like. Which is weird since I thought it would drag. Hope you feel better soon, and hope next weekend goes well. :)

    I like the look of The Cracked Spine. :)

    1. I expected my week to drag also. The Cracked Spine does look good, doesn't it?

  3. Ugh, sorry to hear about your asthma! I hope you get to the doctor and they can give you something to help!

    And I hope the visit to your step-mother's goes well (and isn't too stressful!)

  4. Oh man, hope your asthma gets better, especially before next weekend. You'll need your strength for family drama.

  5. Hope the asthma moves on soon as it sounds miserable. And I hope the family visit isn't too stressful but it sounds like it might be emotional and full of tension. With a bit of luck, it will be easier than you think.
    The Cracked Spine looks like a cute read. Hope you enjoy your new books and feel better soon.

    1. I expect it will be emotional, check, I'll be emotional, but hopefully light on drama.

  6. I'm liking all of your new books. See a couple I'll be grabbing soon. I hope you can sort out your asthma and will feel up to your weekend with your family:)

    My Sunday Post -

  7. Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I hope your asthma flare passes quickly. I grabbed On His Watch this week. I also had a lot of books approved this week from requests that I had sort of forgotten about. I am with you on the willpower. Every time a publisher sends me a widget I just want to click on it right away.

  8. Sorry to hear you are still not feeling better. I do hope the doctor will help get it cleared up quickly.

    Good luck helping your stepmom that really does sound very stressful. I don't get along with my Sister in law and I always get so stressed when we have to be together.

    I hope you have an amazing week, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

  9. I'm sorry to hear that the asthma flair up hasn't calmed down. Hopefully the doctor will help get it under control. My mother and her sister don't get along and so I always feel edgy when I'm dealing with them because it could end up not going well. Hopefully your sisters will focus on getting the house ready and not so much on each other! I've really enjoyed the two other series that Shelton has so I look forward to seeing what you think of this new one. Have a great week and feel better!

    1. The family dynamics will be interesting. I should probably stock up on chocolate before I go. :P I've seen Shelton around but haven't read her yet, I'm looking forward to the book.

  10. Oh, I hope you can get the asthma under control...but sometimes, I have learned, when it is under control for a while, something suddenly seems to go awry. Good luck!

    I don't envy the family weekend with siblings who don't get along. I've been there! LOL.

    I like the look of The Cracked Spine. Enjoy your books...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. Wow, your asthma is such a bugaboo! I know you've been dealing with this current flare up for a while now. I hope it's not getting worse? Feel better soon and happy reading!

  12. I suffer winter trigger asthma. Not fun! I hope you feel better

  13. History Major sounds good, I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great upcoming week.

  14. I am sorry to hear your asthma is still bothering you. This time of year can be the worst. I feel for you. Good luck next weekend. Looks like you have some good reading ahead of you! Have a great week!

  15. Ok, that does it...where's my whip? I'm gonna take care of that asthma for you. Hopefully your sisters will behave and it won't be too bad. If not, then you have permission to borrow my whip. ;)

  16. Hope it's not to stressful on you and have a safe trip. You got some great books. I am getting The Cracked Spine on audio for review, looks like a fun one. :)

    ahh your killing me with those mysteries! This is the second blog I have seen the Madness of Mercury, so not I have to go check it :) Sounds like you have been a bit lucky lately I hope it rubs off on me. :)


    Week in Review

  17. The Cracked Spine looks good. Hope things go easier next weekend than you expect.

    Have a great week!

  18. I'm really intrigued with Cinco de Mayhem. It sounds like fun. :) I'm sorry to hear your asthma flare is still hanging on, Bea. I hope you'll make it to the doc before your stressful weekend...I'm thinking the stress won't do your asthma any good so it'd be nice if you (and the doc) could get it under control. Enjoy your week and happy reading!

  19. That's kind of funny about getting consistent review books from an author unsolicited. Sorry about the asthma. My son has that and it is not fun! I came down with a yucky sore and swollen throat Saturday and it needs to go away. Have a fabulous week!

    My Weekly Update

  20. Hope things with the family end up not being quite so stressful as expected.

  21. Family not getting along is definitely stressful, Bea. I hope the weekend will go smoothly anyway.
    Your asthma flare doesn't sound good at all, hopefully your doctor will be able to find something to help you out!
    Your new books look great, especially Extreme Honor.
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  22. I'm sorry to hear your Asthma still isn't getting better. That really sucks.

    Your new books look great. I especially love the look of 'The Cracked Spine'.

    Good luck this weekend. It sounds like you really need it! ;)

  23. Hope your asthma flare will stop soon, Bea! Love the look of your books, especially Cinco de Mayhem. Enjoy all, sweetheart! x

  24. I hope that your sister's didn't cause too much drama.
    I like the look of Extreme Honor, enjoy them all!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!