Saturday, January 2, 2016

December and Year-end Challenge Wrap up

In 2015 I signed up for fewer year long challenges and more short-term challenges.

Hard to believe that 2015 is over. Overall, I did well with my challenges. But this year, oy, this year. I signed up to host or participate in 8 challenges plus, COYER Backs to Basics, which started last month, is still running, and I expect I'll sign up for various short-term challenges during the year. Keeping up with my challenges will be a challenge! :D  

Grab a drink, get comfy, and get ready! 

COYER Going Back to Basics 2015-2016 - Goal: 12

TOTAL: None completed; I'm currently reading 2 that qualify. I'm already off to a bad start. :(

NetGalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge - Goal: 25 50 100

1. The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean (review to come)
2. 3 Truths and A Lie by Lisa Gardner
3. Murder Under  the Mistletoe by Terri Reed
4. Deadly Christmas Secrets by Shirlee McCoy
5. Death Before Decaf by Caroline Fardig (review to come)

TOTAL: 102 I did it! I kept upping my goal for this; I started with a goal of 25 and kept raising it. According to my shelf at goodreads, I have 111 books for this challenge. 2 were DNFs and I'm in the midst of reading 1 right now. That's still a 6 book discrepancy but either way,I made my final goal. :) I'm doing it again this year too.

Finishing the Series Reading Challenge - Goal: 6 14

1.  Rekindle the Flame by Kate Meader (Hot in Chicago)
2.  Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson) {review to come}
3.  Driven by Kelley Armstrong (Otherworld Stories)
4. Schemes by Krista D.Ball (Tranquility)
5. Fury by Krista D.Ball (Tranquility)
6. Thor's Serpents by K.L. Armstrong & M.A. Marr (The Blackwell Pages) {review to come}

TOTAL: 67 books, 24 series!!!!! GO ME! :D My original goal was a measly 6 series; I kicked butt on this challenge. I'm taking over the hosting this year, and my starting goal is 7 series. Will I do more? We'll see. :)

What An Animal Reading Challenge - Goal: 13 or more

1. Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs
2. Thor's Serpents by K.L. Armstrong & M.A. Marr
3. Driven by Kelley Armstrong
4. Hunter's Moon by C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp

TOTAL: 47 Another one where I kicked butt. :D

Cruising Thru the Cozies Reading Challenge - Goal: 20 or more

1. Death Before Decaf by Caroline Fardig

TOTAL: 32 I slowed down quite a bit on reading cozies.I was busy with other books. I'm not doing this one this year but I'll still be reading cozies as I enjoy them.

Dust Off Your Classics - a very informal challenge hosted by Between My Lines and Dee's Reads. There's no sign up or goals. I am aiming for 1 a month. 

1.  The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Total: 4 Not as good as I wanted but I'm continuing with the challenge this year.  I plan to do better!

Just For Fun Reading Challenge - Goal: 12, 1 a month  

1. Hunter's Moon by C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp



  1. You did fantastic on your challenges! I want to read more classics and I had this idea last year for 1 a month but it didn't exactly work out. I'm hoping it will go better this year.

    1. I definitely want to read more classics. I need to make time for them. We will do better this year!

  2. You did an amazing job with your challenges this year! Well done! Some of them sound really appealing to me, and I even looked up a few, but in the end, I think I'm going to stick to my guns and do fewer challenges this year. Thanks for the Cruisin' Thru the Cozies reminder, though -- I forgot to sign up for that one even though I'd planned to.


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