Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday Book Share #172

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

Less than a week until Christmas, yikes and then it'll be New Year's. Where has the time gone? I'm running around, doing last minute preparations for Christmas. The cats are enjoying the boxes, ribbons, and wrapping paper. Helpful, they are not. :D 

Since it'll be Christmas before the next Sunday Post, Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope you have a joyous day.

Merry Christmas!
The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "jordan silver", "in which roy grace novel is there triplets", and "jd robb latest release"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won this from the author at the Just Romantic Suspense blog.

Purchased - Kindle

I read it as soon as it hit my Kindle and was happy.


This beauty arrived late Friday afternoon and by the wee hours of Saturday morning, I had finished it. Happy sigh.

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I know, it's silly how fast this month went by. Good grief. I have shopping to do yet. But I'm looking forward to the holiday break. I was just looking at Fire Touched today for a post I was working on- looks like a fun series. It appears that you liked it. :)

    Have a wonderful Christmas Bea!

    1. I love the Mercy Thompson books! I still have shopping to do too, eep. Enjoy your break and Merry Christmas!

  2. I seriously can't believe how fast the year goes by these days..crazy. Have a Merry Christmas!

    Week in Review

  3. This year just flew by, I hope next year takes it's time. I have a lot of last minute stuff to do but this is always the crazy week for me.

    Have a very Merry Christmas, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

  4. I have Fire Touched and Driven on my lists to pick up too. I'll get Fire Touched on audio. I'm also getting Driven as a hardback. I can't believe Christmas almost here.

    1. I ordered Driven in hardcover too but I couldn't wait. :D Christmas, eep! Have a good one!

  5. Fire TOuched sounds good, hope that you enjoy and have a great week.

  6. 2016 is barreling toward us and frankly, I'm happy. 2015, while not a catastrophe, was not all that great. I'm ready for a new year. :) My cats are loving all the boxes the mailman is bringing. I haven't broken any of them down yet to go to recycling. I also picked up Roane. :) But what's up with that cover? I couldn't find a better one either.

    Merry Christmas, Bea! xoxo

    1. Yeah, my cats are loving the boxes. :D They don't need presents, just the boxes they come in. :D

      I hope 2016 is a better year for both of us.

  7. I can't believe how quickly this year sped by! I always dread what comes after the time. LOL.

    Enjoy your holidays and your upcoming reads. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Taxes, eeep. I haven't thought about those.

      Happy holidays!

  8. It's unbelievable how fast the year went. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  10. What a BEAUTY that Mercy review copy is!! SO jealous!!

    What do you mean the cats aren't helping? They're curling the ribbon, aren't they? Okay, chewing is more like it but it's a special added touch from them ;) So cute... and annoying (I remember it well!)

    Merry Christmas!!!

  11. I've not heard of any of your books! I so want to read a Briggs book at some point. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Happy holidays! Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  12. It's hard to believe Christmas is almost here. Just four more days to get ready! And they're already pretty jam-packed for us. I hope your Christmas is wonderful, Bea! Give those kitties a pat or two from me.

  13. I was looking at Fire Touched. Might give the series a go. I'm always caught by surprise at Christmas. It seems those last few days fly by. And my cat is having fun with the ribbons and bows too. Have a Merry Christmas!

    My Sunday Post -

  14. Woo. "Driven" looks fancy! I love the art work on that one. Looks like you had a great week!

    I love kindle freebies, but I'm a bit of a nut. I get on a roll and suddenly I have 30 new free books that I don't even really want to read! They were just free. So I've had to be very very careful, hehe.

    My Book Gathering

  15. Hope you have a great Christmas. The herd has been loving the wrappings here too :D


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!