Friday, December 18, 2015

Giveaway & Review: Sock Monster by Stacey R. Campbell, Illustrated by Elizabeth Thieme

Publisher: Green Darner Press
Source: the author in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: October 15, 2015 
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | ARe*/OmniLit* | Smashwords*  | iTunes | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

When Billy refuses to pick up his clothes the sock monster comes to teach him a lesson.

Bea's Thoughts:

I liked Sock Monster very much. It's a little bit scary, but also cute. The message is simple and wrapped in a funny story. Billy doesn't like to tidy up and when he does tidy, he does it carelessly; a sock in the fish bowl, pants under the bouncy ball, etc. The illustrations are cute and Thieme neatly divides nightmares from reality by putting the nightmares in black and white while the rest of the story is in color. The font is also changed around according to whom is speaking, which makes the story easy to follow. I like that the story acknowledges that adults can be untidy also; it's good for children to see that adults have challenges and are imperfect.

I read this with my class of one and two year olds and it was mostly over their head and a bit too scary. I think for 3-7 year olds however it would be a good book.

Steph's Thoughts:

I thought this book might help Liam pick up clothes so I hopped at the chance to review this book.

It was so cute. The words were easy for Liam to read and he liked the pictures. It has a pretty simple message either pick up your clothes or they turn into a sock monster. Liam did get a little scared at the same point in the story that Billy gets scared. It wasn't because the story is scary, he is just going through a phase where everything scares him.

Overall, it is an adorable book with a cute lesson. I liked it and Liam was a but scared but he has been picking up clothes a bit more.

$20 Amazon gift card (INT)
2 winners receive signed copies of Sock Monster (US)
Ends December 23,  2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you both for hosting a tour stop and sharing your thoughts about the book!

  2. This sounds really cute and definitely something my 5 year old would enjoy! Thanks for the heads up about the slight scare factor. I think with a little prep it will be okay here.

    1. 5 might be old enough that it's not scary but the scare factor is mild so it should work.

  3. Thankfully I've trained my nephew to see scary/creepy things as cute... except for real people. LOL He'll love this!

  4. I need a real one of these for my 20 somethings

  5. thanks for the chance


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