Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Book Share #165


 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

I had a busy week at my new job; the first few days were paperwork and orientation, then the second half of the week was spent in my new classroom. I love young toddlers, they're fun.:)

The cats and I had a quiet Halloween as the kids in the complex go elsewhere for trick or treating. My school didn't do anything for the holiday so it was quiet all around. I did have to go get fingerprinted on Halloween. It's a state requirement for teachers and every time you change jobs, you have to do it again. How was your Halloween?

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "how to cat" and "romance novel threesome excerpts"

Blog Ahead Challenge - I made it! My goal was 31 and I have 41 completed posts for November through mid-April and 8 more in various draft stages.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won this from the author, Susanne Matthews, and Just Romantic Suspense.


I got this via


Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

The titles and series name, "Divorced and Desperate", is appalling and I really dislike the boob cover but an author friend was sure I'd like them, I liked the blurbs, and they were free so I'll give them a try.

Several of my friends love this author so I figured I'd try her out. :)

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Halloween was quiet here too, it rained all day and that dampened the enthusiasm some I think, not a ton of kids out. Nice on the blog ahead through April- I've got stuff scheduled through December and that's good for me. :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. We were fortunate to have good weather for trick or treating but today it's raining. I'm glad the rain held off.

      Posts done through December is nothing to sneeze at, good for you!

  2. Witch Hunt looks really good, I love the cover! Happy Halloween!
    Miranda @ Miranda's Book Blog

  3. Congratulations on your new job! Did you dress up for your fingerprinting?
    Your new books look great, especially the 'Desperate' ones, I think I'll have to check those out, Bea. And I'm very curious about The Passenger, too.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie. No, I didn't dress up but I made sure I was clean and presentable. Happily, it's printing only, no pictures. :)

      Have a good week!

  4. Love the look of witch hunt! I'm not sure either about titles 'divorced, desperate and...', it sounds a bit iffy. Hopefully they will be fun reads despite that.
    Like you, my Halloween was quiet. We were visiting family a few hours away during the day so were driving home around the time the trick or treaters would have been calling and so we missed them all.

    1. Yeah, the titles are complete turn-offs. I would have skipped them completely if my friend Laura hadn't recommended them. I hope they'll be good.

      Have a good week!

  5. Airs Above The Ground looks great. As do your other books. So glad your new job is going to be fun. I also spent a quiet night at home. Played cards with my mother and watched some funny movies. No trick-or-treaters here either.

    My Sunday Post -

    1. I like quiet nights and yours sounds good. :) I watched some episodes from Charmed, which seemed appropriate. :)

      Have a good week!

  6. Our Halloween was very quiet, too, Bea. I remember reading Airs Above the Ground years ago and loving it! And congratulations on Blog Ahead. That's a truly awesome result! I really dislike covers and titles like the ones you show. I don't think the authors are doing themselves any favors, but I could be

    I hope you have a great week.

    1. I *think* I read it many years ago but I don't remember it so I got a copy. Thanks for the congratulations, I'm glad I was able to do so much. As for the titles and coves, they were put out by a big 5 pub so the author may not have had input but yeah, they're pretty horrible.

  7. Conngrats on the new job. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  8. I'm so glad your first week on the new job went well, and you're back in the classroom where you love to be.

    Airs Above the Ground is one of my favorite Stewart novels ever! (If you're interested, I reviewed it here.) I can't wait to see what you think of it! Maddie Hatter and the Deadly Diamond looks fun, too. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Lark. :)

      I can hook you up with the publisher for Maddie if you're interested. I know you're backed up.

      Have a great week!

    2. Yes, I'm pretty backed up, and planning to make changes to my requesting for next year to see if I can get things under control. :-) But thank you for the offer!

  9. Halloween was quiet here too. Our neighborhood is not designed for trick or treating so everyone goes to other nearby neighborhoods that aren't perched on the side of a hill! It was also pouring down rain which put a dent in the fun. I loved Airs Above the Ground when I read it years ago and really should reread it. I had to put my paperbackswap account on Vacation Hold because I'm not reading enough of my actual books to get the credits I need! Have a great week!

    1. The neighborhood I grew up wasn't trick or treat friendly so we usually went elsewhere too. I wish I got trick or treaters here, but I don't really need the candy.

      I read your review, that was part of what sparked my desire to re-read the book.

      I should put my PBS account on hold but I have a few books on auto-request.

      Have a great week!

  10. Look forward to your thoughts on the Passenger. Hmm, do they think your fingerprints might have changed? Well, I guess they are just checking to see if it is you. Great job on Blog Ahead

    1. They use the fingerprints to run a criminals records check. Who knows what crimes I may have committed since the last check? :P

  11. So glad you are settling in nicely in your classroom!
    Maddie hatter looks so cute, will have to go check that out.
    Awesome job with blog ahead, I totally failed :)

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

    1. Thanks Michelle.

      Maddie does look cute, I hope it'll be good.

      Have a great week!

  12. At first I thought you said fingerpainting, which would've been a lot more fun. lol. Hope the job continues to go well.

    1. Fingerpainting will be happening, and it will be fun. :)

  13. "romance novel threesome excerpts" Drat! I've been outed. lol Yay for busy weeks especially when you enjoy your job. Yay for Blog Ahead!! I just realized I have 43 drafts ready to go. Several are graphic novels I got from the library and haven't a clue where to put them yet. But hey! They're done. :D I hope this week is fun, too. :)

    1. Troublemaker! :D 42 drafts ready to go is fantastic! Way to go!

  14. Good luck with your new job!

    All of your books look so good. I want to read the Mary Burton book. I hope you have a great week!

  15. I stayed in and watched Horror movies while reading, so I had a quiet Halloween too. :) You got some great looking books, I hope you enjoy them!


  16. I like a quiet Halloween...we don't have Trick or Treaters here, either.

    Enjoy your books...I am eyeing The Passenger. I read another book by this author, How to Start a Fire.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I haven't read that author before but The Passenger sounded good. I have my fingers crossed.

  17. Oh Bea, 41 posts for Blog Ahead is wonderful. You'll be able to take a holiday now! :-)

    Glad you're enjoying the new job and the kids sound just gorgeous!

  18. You have a handful of awesome and good looking books here! So many genres and beautiful covers! Happy reading and can't wait to see what you think about them! :)

    My STS:

    1. Thanks, and thanks for visiting. Have a good week!

  19. Our Halloween was pretty quiet as well, it's good to relax once in awhile! Great books, I hope you enjoy them all :D

    1. It is nice to have a relaxing holiday. :) Thanks for visiting.

  20. We had a wet, rainy Halloween, but we still had fun, just grabbed an umbrella. Everyone handed out extra candy since there were less trick or treaters. I can't believe it's over. I am glad to hear you are settling into your new job.

    1. I'm glad your kids still enjoyed Halloween. :)

  21. You have so many awesome looking books in your stack this week! I've never heard of Airs Above the Ground but that cover is stunning. I hope you enjoy them all :)

    Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm

    1. I love that cover for Airs Above the Ground; I had to have it. :D

      Thanks for visiting!

  22. A quiet Halloween is great! Nothing wrong with that!
    I like the look of Witch Hunt! Enjoy!

  23. Our Halloween was quiet too - we are in the middle of nowhere and no kids around, so no point celebrating. Glad you are enjoying the new job, darling!


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