Saturday, October 31, 2015

Steph Reviews The Vampire Combat Field Guide by Roger Ma

Publisher: Berkley Books
Format Read: Coloring book
Source: From the pr firm in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: October 6, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

In The Vampire Combat Manual, Roger Ma, the nation’s preeminent expert in undead warfare, prepared the average citizen to defend against a brutal vampire attack. But without appropriate training, even the most adept slayer of bloodsuckers can be left vulnerable.

Therefore, the Institute for Undead Combat Studies has once again created an essential practice handbook for anyone seeking to avoid serious injury, infection, or death at the hands of a vampire. This comprehensive guide includes:

*Detailed illustrations to aid in identifying various types of the undead and their vulnerabilities, as well as anatomical drawings you can color to promote knowledge retention

*Interactive mental and physical exercises that will teach invaluable fighting techniques and prepare you for battle

*Work pages to hone weapon selection, defensive and offensive techniques, and precise staking strategies

*and much more!

With the proper preparation, no one need fear death by exsanguination or an eternity spent in darkness. Learn to ward off these bloodthirsty creatures while you can—or say good-bye to your days in the sun…

Steph's Thoughts:

 Coloring is supposed to be a relaxing hobby for adults, so when I was offered the Vampire Combat Field Guide I figured "why not?" Some people find coloring complex pictures relaxing, Me? Not so much. I much preferred my vampire heart. (My co-worker thinks I am weird)

Halfway through my next picture (an identification of vampire types), I found myself relaxed.

There are 64 pages of activities and coloring fun. I have not finished all the pages because I am trying to savor the fun. Hopefully, I will not need one of the later lessons in the near future.

While these are not the complex pictures one finds in the "adult" coloring books, they are a lot of fun. Coloring is relaxing and with this book you learn how to defend yourself from the undead and relax at the same time. My son and I also had a bonding moment as we both sat at the table and colored. He was not impressed with Mama's book but he is 5 and does not yet understand the defenses needed to fight the undead.

So yes, this guide is fun and relaxing. Go grab a copy today (and a pencil sharpener if you are using colored pencils like I do). 

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