Saturday, November 28, 2015

2016 I Love Picture Books Reading Challenge Sign Up

2016, I Love Picture Books Reading Challenge, Bea's Book Nook, picture books

For all of you of all ages who love picture books but find they don't qualify for your other challenges, or just want an excuse to read them. . .here's a challenge just for you!

Formerly hosted by Book Dragon's Lair. She's cutting back her challenge hosting for 2016 and passed the baton to me.

  • Challenge runs from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. Sign up is now through December 1, 2016.
  • Read picture books.
  • Pick a number and go for it. Twelve too easy? Go for 20. Piece of cake? Go for 40.
  • Books you own and library check outs count. So do ebooks and re-reads.
  • Please post about the challenge and sign up with a direct link.
  • A blog is not necessary, just link to where you talk about the challenge or a dedicated public shelf at goodreads or LibraryThing.
  • Write a review - 2 sentences or an essay, whatever works for you, but there is a minimum of 2 sentences for your review. Not sure what to write? How about something like, "The characters were a delight but the artwork was dreary. It was disappointing." I'll post a link up post each month for those who want to share. Reviews are not necessary but would be nice so we know which ones to read ourselves. :)  
My goal is 50 or more. That sounds high, but I teach in a toddler room so I read a LOT of picture books. The challenge will be tracking them and remembering to write reviews!


  1. Are there levels?

    I'm planning on reading a lot of picture books next year so I'll be signing up for this in a little while (:

    1. Nope, no levels. This one is more free form and low stress.

  2. The perfect challenge for a person who reads a lot of picture books!

  3. This is the perfect challenge for my little ones and I! Thank you so much for hosting.

    Tina, The Bookworm

  4. I am so excited to join this challenge since I am currently read-a-loud with my kiddos. I am going to read around 30 books this year. Wish me luck!

    And here is my sign up post:

  5. So excited for this one! I am in charge of the storytime programs at my library; plus, I have a 4 year old - so we love picture books here. :)

  6. A little late but I definitely have to join in on this challenge! I read a ton of picture books to my daughter every day!

  7. So have I missed something? I can't find the place to link up our reviews.

  8. Sorry I waited so late to respond, but I'm definitely participating and I'm going to try to read 25 books this year! Good luck everyone!

  9. Hi, will you be doing this gain next year?


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!