Saturday, November 28, 2015

2016 I Love Libraries Reading Challenge Sign Up

I Love Libraries Reading Challenge, library, books, Bea's Book Nook

I Love Libraries was formerly hosted by Book Dragon's Lair. She's cutting back her challenge hosting for 2016 and passed the baton to me. This challenge is one of several library challenges I've done since started my blog so I'm delighted to be hosting.

It's no secret that I love my library and it's been a tremendous resource for me over the years, and not just for books. For this challenge, use your library to check out reading material - books, magazines, any sort of reading material that you are allowed to check out, physical or digital. The challenge runs January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

The details:

  1. Put a sign up post on your blog and link it below.
  2. If you don't have a blog, make a dedicated goodreads shelf (or LibraryThing), make sure it's public, and link it below. 
  3. Any reading material that can be checked out of your library counts - print books, audio books, digital books, magazines, etc. 
  4. As part of your sign up post, briefly write why you like using your library - free books, internet access, a quiet place to work, whatever draws you to the library. If you don't have a blog platform, post it in the comments below.
  5. Write a review - 2 sentences or an essay, whatever works for you, but there is a minimum of 2 sentences. Not sure what to write? How about something like, "The characters were a delight but the story was slow and confusing. It was disappointing." 
  6. There will be a post each month where you can link your reviews. Each linky will run for the calendar year.
  7. Pick a level from the list below. You can move up as needed but you can't move down.
  8. Books may overlap with other reading challenges.
  9. ETA Dec. 17: There's a goodreads group for anyone interested in discussing libraries or books or for tracking your challenge. The group was an outgrowth of yet another library reading challenge that has since ended but the group is still active. The challenge host, The Geeky Blogger, added me as a mod to the goodreads group, come check us out!
  • board book - 3
  • picture book - 6
  • early reader - 9
  • chapter book - 12
  • middle grades - 18
  • Young adult - 24
  • adult - 36
  • just insert IV - 50

My goal is young adult - 24 books

I've been going to libraries since I was a toddler. I've had a library for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I've checked out books, videos, and music; used their computers, free internet access, and their copiers and printers. I've researched papers, job hunted, and taken classes. I haunt the used books sales of all the local libraries. The librarians at the branch I use know me by name and when they see me come in, they go right to the hold shelf to look for my requests. :D


  1. Are we going to use #ilovelibraries as the hashtag or did you have something else in mind?

    1. That hashtag is already in use so #Ilovelibraries2016

  2. Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. It's been one of my favorites for years.

  3. I created a shelf in Goodreads and linked it. My 2015 shelf has 100 books and the year isn't over, so I am definitely Just insert IV. I probably have 50 books checked out and another 50 on reserve at the 2 libraries where I have cards. LOL.

  4. I created a shelf on Good reads. My 2015 one has 100 books so I am definitely Just insert IV. I probably have 50 books checked out and another 50 on reserve at the 2 libraries where I have cards. LOL

  5. Thanks Bea for taking over the reins! I just love participating and it just makes all the more fun! Today I posted my write-up on Chick with Books.

  6. Just Insert IV! I work as a library assistant, so the vast majority of books I read come from the library because they are all right there available to me. I LOVE libraries and always have since I was a little girl and my parents took me. I hope to be working on my MLIS degree this fall! I posted my Goodreads shelf link above, but I will also be participating on Instagram. :)

    - Cassandra @ Wickedly Delicious Tales

  7. I'm in...I wasn't sure I'd be doing this one, but I do it every year and still love my library :) Thanks for taking over Bea.

  8. Hi - I'm signing up with GoodReads. I'm already in the group from last year. I'm going to pick "chapter book" level - last year I got 22 but I'm moving and unsure what kind of library I will find.
    I'll post my reviews on GoodReads, I have a dedicated folder for this challenge.
    I love libraries because free books! I also have wonderful memories throughout my life of libraries and just like to support them to keep them active and show people they're still needed.
    Thanks for the challenge.

  9. Wow! This is definitely a perfect challenge for me and my kids. We've been regularly visiting libraries last year and I want to keep doing it this year.

    This is my sign up post for this challenge:

  10. Thanks for hosting! I'm hoping to listen/read more library books this year, but I at least want to hit 12!

  11. I get most of my books from the library so this is the perfect challenge for me :) thanks for hosting it :)

  12. Oops! I signed up twice! I'm so sorry! I think I'm going for 24!

  13. Thanks for hosting this one. I'm committing to 12 library books, but I expect the total will be much higher.

  14. Link to my challenge post

  15. Thank you for taking over this challenge. I participated in your Winning at Reading Challenge last year and I hope you will consider hosting again this year. I love my library and they give me the ability to read many books I otherwise wouldn't be able to. I'm trying to reduce my physical tbr this year, so not as many library books, but I still will use the library a lot.

  16. Thanks for hosting this challenge. I definitely enjoyed visiting my library throughout the year and will continue to do so next year!

    I'm not sure where you would like wrap up posts at, but here is mine. Thank You so much for hosting this challenge and I will be back next year.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!