Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Book Share #164

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

I had a wonderful lunch this week with romance authors Laura K. Curtis (she also writes mysteries) and Lexxi Callahan. They were in Boston visiting romance author Penny Watson. Penny was sick and couldn't join us but the three of us got together for lunch at Faneuil Hall. I had a wonderful time and lobster mac-n-cheese is AWESOME! I often chat with Laura on Twitter and we met last year at a reader get-together but it was my first time meeting with Lexxi. They were both delightful and I could have chatted with them all afternoon.

Tomorrow, I start my job. Eeep. My stomach has hordes of butterflies winging around. Which reminds me, I need to prepare lunch for tomorrow.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "cat on kitchen counter meme", "cat and red dot", "book excerpts romance bondage" and "raunchy sex excerpt"

Blog Ahead Challenge - I made my goal! My goal was 31 and I'm at 35!! I have some reviews to write today but I start my new job tomorrow so I probably won't get much written this week.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won this from Cuddlebuggery and the publisher, First Second.


Last Sunday a friend and I went to the library used book sale and came home with bags of books. She came home with more than twice the number of books that I did but I'm running out of space in the living room for more stacks, lol. One nice thing is we each got books the other will read so we can swap. :)

My library book haul - I was heavily into murder; mysteries that is. :D


I saw the Paranormal Museum book on several blogs last Sunday and I gave in to temptation and requested it. The publisher enabled me by approving my request. :P Happily, it doesn't release until March 2016 so I have time. :D

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Look at that stack of books! Woo- some Christie there I see (I really should read her, it's embarassing that I haven't). And Gone Girl- haven't read that either yet.

    That lunch sounds fantastic. Good luck with the new job- and have a super week!

  2. I've only read 1 Christie book, I'm determined to read more.

    Thanks Greg!

  3. Aw, sounds like you had a good time. And yay for the job starting. Bet you're excited, even if you're nervous. Damn, you hit the jackpot at the library.

  4. oh I love it when the library does book sales, they are so fun. I do love a good murder mystery and Agatha Christie and Mary Higgins Clark are author's you can never go wrong with.

  5. Nice haul, Bea! I hope you'll enjoy all your new books.
    And it sounds like you had a fantastic time with Lexxi and Laura! Anything with lobster is delicious, right? I can't imagine eating anything with sea-food and not have a foodgasm :)
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  6. Ooooh, look at all the books!

    It was lovely seeing you and chatting with you. BEST LUCK on the new job!!

  7. lunch was so much fun although I think the lobster Cobb salad beat me.

  8. The lunch sounds like fun!
    Good Luck tomorrow! Don't be nervous you will do AWESOME!

    Holy cow look at all those book! I hope you enjoy them!

    Have a great week,Bea! Happy Reading! and Good Luck again! *hugs*

  9. WOW! You really supported your local library!!! :D

    Good luck with your new job! I am so freakin' happy for you and you'll do great! Just make sure to reward yourself tomorrow night!!!!!

  10. Congratulations on your new job! You will be wonderful, I just know it. :-)

    Looks like you had a great time at the library book sale - can't wait for reviews on some of those books. And the review books look awesome, too. I keep eyeing that Paranormal Museum mystery, but I'm trying so hard to limit my ARC requests for next year in hopes of tackling more of my TBR books. (Part of me is wailing, "But they keep tempting me with pretty books!) So I look forward to seeing people's reviews of that one.

  11. Fantastic book haul! Death on the Nile is one of my favorite Agatha Christies and I love the Key series from Nora Roberts. I like Key of Knowledge best but it's mostly because both the main characters are book people. Congratulations on the job!! I know you'll do spectacular but those first day jitters are no fun. Have a great week!

  12. Great library haul! And your new review books look good, too. I love Melinda Leigh's books. Enjoy!

    Thanks for sharing...and good luck starting the new job...butterflies are familiar, aren't they?


  13. WOW. Your library haul is very impressive. I hope you love all your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  14. So many mysteries. I need to check some of them out. And I spot a few Christie books there too. All of them are amazing. Enjoy :)

  15. You will be awesome tomorrow BEA. I get butterflies like that too, but you love what you do, and I am sure all will be well!

  16. I'm glad you clarified that murder statement because I don't know where my shovel is. Good luck on the job! You'll knock 'em dead. In a metaphorical sense. Don't get crazy. lol

    Also, you are so bad. I had to go to NetGalley and request The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum. Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be denied. lol

  17. I love the library sales. They do them here as by the inch. You stack up your haul and they measure it. I usually have two stacks. LOL The lunch sounds like fun. I've met a couple of people in person that I met through blogging and it's always fun. Love the new books this week too. Have a great week.

    My Sunday Post -

  18. So nice meeting up with online friends and finding that you like each other just as much in real life. And GOOD LUCK tomorrow :D

  19. Good luck with the new job! Gone Girl is a good one. It's one where you'll throw the book against the wall. But then pick right back up and continue reading to the bitter end. Happy reading.

  20. OMG I so want to try lobster mac-n-cheese. I heard it's one of those things that you can't just make, that it's best if you eat it from a reputable place.

  21. We gave into the same temptation I see as I seen Paranormal Museum on blogs too and had to have

  22. How wonderful to meet some authors you enjoy. I've been to a few author events recently and really enjoyed them.

    Well done also on achieving your Blog Ahead goal!

  23. Fingers crossed that your first day will go well. I am sure you will do great. Happy Monday.

  24. Good luck with you new job, hope you had a good first day!

  25. Hope the new job is going well for you. :) Enjoy Schemes! :D Have a great week.

  26. Wow! What a library haul! And I hope your new job is going well!!


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