Saturday, October 24, 2015

Steph & Liam Review The Fox Forest Band by Lisa E. Lindman

Lisa E Lindman, review, childrens book, Steph
Publisher: Hugo House Publishers
Format Read: Hardcover
Source: From the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: March 20, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

How do you fight an evil wizard when your only weapon is your smarts?

A happy group of forest animals are stopped cold by a wizard’s enchanted fog that whispers their greatest fears. The animals think they have to run away but a brave fox gives them a better idea. He shows them how to stand up for themselves and how to handle the problem at its source.

Join the fox and his friends as they figure out how to defeat a bully wizard—and have fun in the process!

Steph and Liam's Thoughts:

Liam hit kindergarten this year and has to read 20 minutes a night. Trying to find books that he can read, yet offer a bit of a challenge and is something that he might enjoy can be challenging. When Bea offered this one to me, it looked cute so I thought we would give it a try.

The Fox Forest Band gave us what we were looking for in a book for Liam. It has pictures of animals showing different emotions on their faces. This is important for us because we are trying to get Liam to understand facial expressions.

The story is engaging. It's simple but allows discussion of what is happening and what might come next in the story. The words were pretty spot on for Liam's reading level. He was able to read most of the words and was able to try some of the more advanced words. We read the book twice and Liam really liked the ending. He cheered. He said "I liked it".


  1. I love how you include Liam in your review, Steph. It makes the review more immediate, and what better way to know whether a child will like a book than to see how another child reacted?

  2. Liam likes doing the reviews too... ok he likes getting books in the mail.


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