Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday Book Share #157 - A Birthday, A Milestone & A Package!

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

The blog turned five years old last week, on Friday September 4th. When I first started, I thought I'd blog for maybe a couple of years, if that long, as I've never been any good at keeping a journal or diary. :D Yet five years, I'm still here and going strong. :)

On Wednesday, two days shy of its birthday, the blog reached a million page views! *throws confetti*

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "new york minute melinda dozier read online" and "cat celebrating july 4th"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

After several weeks of doing well at minimal book acquiring, last week blew up.

Avon Addicts


My first Avon Addicts package arrived! I was so excited I was practically bouncing. The green thing is a dual USB charger and I have plans for the inflatable water bottle as the bottle I've been using broke. The books are listed below but you may have noticed that I received multiple copies of Playing Dirty by HelenKay Dimon. I'm doing a giveaway for several of those copies here.

Playing Dirty by HelenKay Dimon
Exit Strategy by Lena Diaz
Her Lucky Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan
Heroes Are My Weakness by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
When A Scot Ties The Knot by Tessa Dare
 The Perils of Pleasure by Julie Anne Long
 Like No Other Lover by Julie Anne Long
Since the Surrender by Julie Anne Long
I Kissed An Earl by Julie Anne Long
What I Did For A Duke by Julie Anne Long
How The Marquess Was Won by Julie Anne Long
A Notorious Countess Confesses by Julie Anne Long
It Happened One Midnight by Julie Anne Long
Between The Devil And Ian Eversea by Julie Anne Long


This was released as an ebook last year and I read it over the winter but the author recently discovered she had some print ARCs left and sent me one, signed. :)


Another Kindle Daily Deal! I have a battered hardcover copy of this so I snapped up the Kindle book when it went on sale.


I succumbed to temptation when the email arrived offering The Bollywood Bride. Jax and I will be doing a dual review of it.

Review Consideration

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Hey happy blogoversary! 5 years - that's awesome. Here's to 5 more! :)

    That's a nice stack of books. I need to go back through your reviews last week- I see a few that look good. Hope you have a good weekend, and happy Labor Day!

    1. Thanks Greg! I hope you like the reviews.

  2. Congratulations on 1 million views and 5 years - It's all amazing!!! Time flies when you only think you're going to do it for a few years :)

    Now that rhyme is stuck in my head from that book My Truck is Stuck! My son has that book and I swear, it has the weirdest cadence for a rhyme - it took forever to figure out how to read it to him. I'm a little slow on my poetry reading prowess ;)

  3. Happy belated bloggy birthday! Such great stats as well!

    I actually didn't add any new books to my TBR pile last week - but that's actually a pretty good thing as it's already out of control!

    1. Thanks! And congrats on NOT adding books, sometimes that's what we need.

  4. Happy 5th again. And woohoo, that's quit a package from Avon Addicts. Have a great week.

  5. Congrats on the million page views, that's impressive ! Enjoy your Avon addicts package and have a great week-end, Bea :)

  6. Love the dual USB charger and the water bottle, that's fun that you get some fun non book items. And so useful too.
    Enjoy your books Bea.

  7. WOW, that's a lot of pageviews, Bea! Happy 5th blogoversary :)
    That waterbottle is so great! I think I need one like that, since it won't take up any space in my bag when it's empty :)
    Your new books look great, I hope you'll enjoy them all.

    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie! That style of water bottle is very convenient for lugging around. I just wish it held more water.

  8. Wow, that's a hell of a lot of books! :))) I need to try Sonali Dev's The Bollywood Affair. So many people enjoyed it. Happy blogaversary again, Bea, and enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Kara! Enjoy your weekend and hot shower!

  9. I'm so jealous of your Avon Addicts haul!!!
    Danielle @ Life With Two Boys

  10. That USB charger is great swag! Congratulations on your many page views and followers!

  11. Dodging Temptation sounds intriguing. Hope that you enjoy and have a nice weekend.
    Happy blogoversary!

  12. That Avon Addicts package is so awesome. I hope you love all those beautiful Avon Books. I hate when my water bottle breaks. It looks like you got some amazing things this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. Thanks Grace. The water bottle is pretty cool.

  13. Congrats on the Blogiversary...and yay for Avon Addicts. Hope you have fun with all those books!

  14. Happy Blogoversary!! And a million page views!! *shoots confetti into the air then gets Dyson out to vacuum it up* Omg, I love that water bottle! I want one! lol Have a fantastic week, Bea!

    1. You bring your own confetti AND you clean it up. I <3 you. Everyone is loving the water bottle, lol.

  15. Wow, congrats on 5 blogging years! I enjoy reading your posts, even if we don't always connect on book titles.
    (did your cat really celebrate 4th of July?!--ha)
    Enjoy your Avon package-- so many goodies for you!

    1. Thanks Rita! No, Goof didn't celebrate the 4th. I think it refers to a Cat Thursday post. :D

  16. The Avon package was so much fun to open! And Happy Blogoversary again! And a million page views - WOOT!!! Have a great week and enjoy all your new goodies - I spotted the new Toby Daye in there. One day, I'll start that series...

    1. It really was! Thanks, and have a great week. :)

  17. Congrats on reaching the big five year milestone. I am coming up on my fourth. Wow! That Avon package is epic. You will have fun with that. Ahh... STuck Truck I just read it again to my son the other night, it has been one of his favs since he was one.

    1. Thanks Heidi. Stuck Truck is fun, I like it.

  18. Congrats on getting in, I tried to get into the Avon Addicts but didn't get picked..oh well...probably a good Looks like a lot of great books!


    1. This was my second, or maybe third, application so keep trying!

  19. Happy 5 years and one million views! Both seriously impressive milestones! That Avon package is absolutely awesome and I love the signed ARC. Definitely fun! I had My Truck is Stuck memorized for awhile. It was a favorite for quite some time. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Katherine. It was definitely a good week. :) I still have the Truck book memorized, lol.

  20. Happy Blogaversary!

    Hope you have a great week!

  21. Five years and a million page views. Wow, congratulations! Have a lovely holiday!

    My Sunday Post -

  22. Kate Meader is gold as far as I'm concerned. That Avon Addicts package is amazeballs!

    Happy 5th again!

    1. It was an amazing package, I can't wait to see next month's!

  23. So many new books, I hope you enjoy them and have a fab week.
    & of course, happy 5th!! :)

  24. Congrats on the five year blogoversary! That's amazing you've been blogging for so long already! And oh that avon addicts package looks nice, so many books! I didn't even knew dual USB chargers existed, sounds handy for when your computer or laptop doesn't have as many USB slots. I hope you have a great week!

    1. The USB charger still needs an outlet to plug into but it's still pretty handy. Thanks for visiting!

  25. Five years is awesome Bea! Congrats!
    Love the Avon pack... so jealous!! Have a great end to the week!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace


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