Friday, September 4, 2015

5 Year Blogaversary!!!!!

Today marks the blog's 5th birthday. Five years ago, I posted my first review on this blog. Previously, I posted a couple reviews on my personal blog but then started this one. I copied and pasted those reviews over here. My first review unique to this blog was posted shortly thereafter. 

Jax joined me after a few months and Steph about 3 years later. We've done individual reviews, dual reviews, and group reviews. I like having company and talking about the books I read. We chat quite a bit on Facebook via messenger about books and authors. 

Mostly we do reviews but we, okay, I, love posting excerpts to share. We also host author guest posts and the occasional interview. I have yet to get Steph to interview an author but I haven't given up! And of course, giveaways! There's even a giveaway at the end of the post. :)

The design has changed over the years, from free Blogger themes to a custom design by Rachel at ParaJunkee. I have no skill for coding so I rely on the kindness of other bloggers when I have a question or encounter a problem. <3 <3 I have begun attempting to do some graphics but my skills are still rudimentary at best.  

As a result of a review I did on the blog, I was offered a job with Astraea Press, now Clean Reads, as a copy editor. I've since branched out and work as a freelance copy editor and proofreader. I also started my own virtual author assistant service, a year ago this month.

I've been a contributor over the years to Book Lovers Inc (now defunct), BookTrib, and most recently, Romance at Random

  1. The blog hit a million page views (Blogger stats) this week on September 2nd.
  2. There are 2,239 published posts, including this one, 4 scheduled posts, and 30 posts in drafts.
  3. So far, there are 15,840 published comments, averaging 7 comments per post. 
  4. We've published 1,237 reviews, averaging 4.75 a week. Though, some of those review posts reviewed more than 1 book so really, we've reviewed probably around 1,250 books. 
  5. Since I started using Stat Counter in November 2011, we've had over 103,000 unique visits.

And of course, all of this is due to all of YOU - the readers, commenters, and visitors. Without all of you, Jax, Steph, and I would be talking into the void. I appreciate all of you and hope you'll continue to enjoy the blog and keep returning.

I have 2 giveaways today, one is US only and the other is international. Both giveaways end Saturday, September 12th at 11:59PM EST.


This giveaway is for US residents only. No purchase necessary. VOID where prohibited. Please read my Giveaway Policy and my Privacy Policy. You will need to provide a mailing address for shipping if you are chosen as the winner.

Thanks to Avon Books, I have 2 copies of Playing Dirty by HelenKay Dimon to give away; 2 winners, 1 book each. You must be a US resident to enter this give away.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


This giveaway is open internationally. No purchase necessary. VOID where prohibited. Please read my Giveaway Policy and my Privacy Policy. You will need to provide a mailing address for shipping if you are chosen as the winner.

I'm giving away one book of the winner's choice, up to $10US, from Book Depository. PLEASE make sure they ship to your country before entering!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Blogaversary! Doesn't the time go fast? You've done an amazing job with your blog!

    1. Thanks Yvonne. :) The time has gone by quickly.

  2. I'm reading this just now, so before it's too late : HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY !!! Time surely flies but I'm always glad to read you :)

  3. Congrats on your 5 years! Enjoy the next five...and more!

  4. Congratulations! What a huge blogging milestone!

    1. Thanks! I can hardly believe it's been five years.

  5. Happy, happy blogoversary, Bea!! Thanks for all your great posts.

    1. Thanks Catherine. I'm glad you like the posts. :)

  6. Wonderful news, Bea! I've lurked on your blog for the past couple of years and started commenting last year because even though we don't have the same exact taste in books, I like to hear all about your choices :) Many many fine years ahead for you!

    1. I always enjoy reading your comments, they're so thoughtful and reflective. I hope you'll comment more often.

  7. Happy Blogaversary, Bea! You're doing great. It's great to reach the five year mark. And your stats are great. It's interesting to read about them. Hope you have lots more fun years of reading, reviewing and blogging.

    1. Thanks Jan. I like that you specified 'fun'; I want to keep the blog. When ti becomes more work than fun, it'll be time to stop.

  8. Happy 5th Anniversary, Bea! Woot! Woot!

    ENjoy the long weekend too!

  9. Happy happy BLOGOVERSARY!! {New follower}

  10. Happy blogoversary, my dear, sweet woman!!!! Fantastic journey, and may you have many more wonderful years ahead of you! Huge hugs xxx

  11. Happy 5 year Blogaversary!
    Here is to 5 more years

  12. Happy 5th blog birthday! And well done on your milestone stat as well! I love that your blog has ended up bringing work your way.

    1. Thanks Trish. The blog has had some twists and turns but getting that editing job was quite a surprise! Since then, I have deliberately leveraged the blog while trying to keep the focus on the books.

  13. Happy Blogaversary! Those are some very impressive stats. Cheers to 5 more years!!

  14. Happy Blogoversary Bea. *throws confetti* So many wonderful accomplishments. I had no idea you did VA work too. I hope we see many more years and milestones!

    1. Woot! You were able to comment! Bad smartphone, good laptop. :)

      Thanks. :)

  15. Congratulations and happy blogoversary! I've really enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you over the years. Wishing you many more years of happy reading and blogging!

    1. Thanks Lark! I love reading your blog and chatting with you. Here's to many more years

    2. Of blogging to both of us. Darn smartphone decided I was done typing. :D

  16. Woohoo! Five is a milestone. I know I don't comment as often as I should, but I do enjoy your blog! Here's to another 5!

    1. Aaaw, I'm glad you enjoy reading the blog. :)

  17. Conga rats, twin. Linked into the Freebie & giveaway thread at Hurog.

    1. Thanks twin. Can you believe it's been five years?

  18. Woots! Congrats on your 5 years!! Hope this next one is the best yet :D

  19. 5 Years! I could only wish to make it to blogging for that long. I am so glad you are still here, doing it, and loving it. Congratulations :) Here's to many more years ahead!

    1. Thanks. Don't give up, keep going for as long as you enjoy it. Here's to many more years of blogging for both of us!

  20. Happy blog-b-day!
    May it live long and prosper.

  21. Happy 5th Blogaversary!!! Congrats on reaching some truly awesome milestones and here's hoping for many more years of blogging!

  22. That's so great Bea! Five years is a HUGE achievement! Congrats!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  23. Happy Blogoversary!! *dances around with pom poms, then collapses in chair panting* Whew! Celebrating is hard work. My blog is coming up on 4 years. Hopefully I'll still be around for year 5. :)

    1. *offers a glass of wine* You will be, you will be! And thanks :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!