Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Review & Giveaway of Wolfskin by W.R. Gingell

Publisher: W.R. Gingell
Source: Blog tour company in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: May 1, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon*
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

‘If you want adventure, you have to march right up to it and kick it in the shins . . .’

At fourteen, barefoot and running wild, Rose is delighted to be apprenticed to Akiva, the witch of the forest. She thinks it will be all enchantment and excitement, and not so much fuss about baths. The reality is much more sober and practical- that is, until she meets a mysterious wolf in the forest and is tricked into stepping off the path . . .
In young, naive Rose, Bastian sees a way of escape. Cursed to remain in the shape of a wolf after running afoul of a powerful enchantress, he has lived many decades under a spell, and now he is both desperate and ruthless. But by breaking part of Bastian’s curse, Rose has caught the attention of Cassandra, the enchantress who cursed him: and Cassandra is by no means ready to forgive and forget.
Meanwhile, wardens have been disappearing from the forest, one by one. Rose is certain that Cassandra is behind the disappearances, but can she and Bastian get to the bottom of the matter before Akiva disappears as well? And are Bastian’s motives entirely to be trusted?

Sometimes the little girl in the red hood doesn’t get eaten, and sometimes the wolf isn’t the most frightening thing in the forest.


Is it ok to jump up and down and tell you to read this, like an excited child? Because you should. I enjoyed this book immensely. It's a sweet romance, but not saccharine. There's a marvelous balance between feeling like a Grimm's fairy tale and something more Disney-esque.

Gingell's style is reminiscent of Paula Brackston, just for a younger audience. Rose is all action, even though the tone of the tale is more introspective. The story lets us see Rose mature, and chuckle at how oblivious she is to her own growth. And she has guides. In so many YA books, the main characters are on their own. It was wonderful to see the number of grown ups in her life, giving her hints, but also giving her space. Although she has to make her own decisions, she never was abandoned or without help. Very age appropriate, and one of the best coming of age stories I've read in a while.

I know there's quite the age gap between Rose and Bastian, but I thought the connection between them was fantastic. I love that the few innuendos he teases her with go completely over her head. Rose is so clueless about her own appeal, but it's never overdone. She is so focused on more magical things, that you will chuckle at her confusion on matters of the heart. I adore her.

W.R Gingell is a Tasmanian author who enjoys reading, bacon, and slouching in front of the fire to write.

Find W.R. Online:

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  1. Thanks for hosting me today, and a big thank-you to Jax for such a lovely review! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :)

  2. Sounds promising, and it has such a beautiful cover.

  3. A captivating and intriguing book. Thanks for this feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Great review, Jax! This sounds like such a fun and well written read! I love how well written the characters sound especially. Glad you like it! :)

  5. Oooo. Nice to hear! I love the cover and it drew me in. Then to hear what you had to say, Jax. Win! :D

  6. How has this book passed my notice? This totally sounds like my kinda thing. Thanks for reviewing Bea!


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