Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cat Thursday: Claude's Corner. Or Is It?

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

A few weeks ago I posted about Claude's current favorite spot in the living room. Shortly after I posted that, it suddenly dawned on the The Noodge, The Bully, aka Goof, that Claude was hanging out on the couch and actually relaxing. Well, my boy the PITA, the top of the food chain, couldn't let that be so up he went.

The look on poor Claude's face; he looks positively offended! Goof attempted to look sweet and innocent but didn't quite pull it off. Notice that instead of placing himself next Claude, Goof chose instead to block him in. A few minutes after I took this photo, Goof chased Claude off the couch, as he's wont to do. The next time Goof jumped up while Claude was curled up, I made him come down. Poor Claude has to have SOMEPLACE he can sleep and hang out.


  1. Poor Claude, although, he's years younger than Goof, so some day he'll be top cat instead. Some day.

  2. The look on Claude's face says it all. That was his spot!

  3. Lol! Yes, I've seen a similar look of horror/insult on faces around here. Priceless. :)

    1. Horror/insult, yes that describes it well. :D

  4. Replies
    1. I know! I just had to take a picture. :D

  5. oh just love this, I adore cats. like the expressions.

  6. Poor Claude looks so upset! Glad you let him curl up in peace the next time around. Cats are just too funny.

    1. I've been policing Goof, the little brat. :P


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