Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunday Book Share #144

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

I had a quiet week last week. The day job kept me busy, I did some editing and some freelance work, and I've almost beat this asthma flare into submission. I got a new TV that a friend gave me. I'm hoping to hook it up today to my DVD player and VCR player. Yes, I still have a VCR player. :D The new TV is hi def, small and ultra light, and is internet capable. I should be able to get Hulu and NetFlix on it, which I'm really looking forward to. No more watching on my 7" tablet! YAY! Yes, it's the little things.

This week starts my summer schedule at the day job. I'm working 10-6 every day so with the commute, that's 9-7 every day. Blog posts may suffer depending on how tired I am. I'm in 2 classrooms this week, 1 of which has asked me to contribute curriculum so I've been busy planning. Usually as a sub, I just do whatever was planned or come up with something on the fly so I'm enjoying having a chance to plan ahead. 

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: Some new ones last week - "hosting my first reading challenge", "quotes no one owes you anything", and "the last town blake crouch ending" I've been watching the TV show, Wayward Pines, and read and reviewed the trilogy the show is based on. 

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. It is the little things. :) I usually watch Netflix on my PC as I don't have Internet TV... that would be nice. And I still have a VCR too, although it's been a while. I've had it so long I just keep it. :)

    Good luck with your new schedule. I like the look of that sampler, looks interesting.

    1. I sometimes watch NetFlix on my laptop but it's hard to watch because I'm jumping windows, doing things. I'm glad I'm not the only one still with a VCR player. :)

  2. You are suppose to work less in the Yeah for the new television, enjoy binging on Netflix! WE still have a VCR for all of the kids old Disney movies etc. We will be digging them all out for Sophia to watch. Have a lovely week Bea!

    1. LOL Yes, my schedule is a bit off-kilter. :D I'm sure Sophia will enjoy watching all of the movies. :)

  3. it looks like you have had a good week. Its always fun to watch Netflix on a bigger screen than a tablet though right? Although lately I have been watching more on my blu ray than I care to admit since I recently got it. My week was pretty crazy with work...but hopefully it should start slowing down and then I will have more time for other things.

    1. I am def looking forward to a larger screen, lol.I hope your week slows down and you have time for other, fun, things.

  4. Netflix is great. Yay for the new TV. The Mercy Thompson Graphic novel looks really interesting. Great stack.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. I have high hopes for the graphic novel.:)

  5. Great haul! Finding Audrey is one that I've been seeing around quite a lot. It sounds amazing! Happy reading.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. I love Netflix! I just don't like it when they pre-select stuff for me. They need to add historical shit to my list!

    1. I loveNetFlix too. They're recommendations for me are sometimes off and sometimes spot on.

  7. Finding Aubrey sounds great, hope you enjoy and have a great weekend.

  8. I also got a new player (Blu-Ray) on which I can feed my Netflix addiction. I was watching on my laptop, hooked up to the TV....this is easier!

    I also still have a VCR in my office. It is a combination VCR/DVD player...and I still have some VHS tapes that I haven't been able to substitute with DVDs.

    They are hard to find these days, though (the VCRs); I got mine seven years ago when I moved in here.

    I am eager to read the new Sophie Kinsella book.

    Enjoy your week...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I've managed to replace some of my VHS tapes with DVDs but others I'm still looking for. VHS tapes are hard to find but I can usually pick up a couple at the library used book sale.

      Have a good week. :)

  9. My son just recently asked me what a VCR was lol. I was about to explain it but figured forget it just watch Netflix.

    You have had quite a busy week! Your commute sounds like my husbands but he leaves at 5am to get to work by 6:30. He hates it but it is what it is.

    Have an awesome week, Bea! oxox

    1. LOL Yeah, most youngun's don't know what a VCR or VHS tape is. :D The commute sucks but it is what it is.

      Have a great week!

  10. A Dark Lure looks good and I entered and have fingers crossed for the Craig Johnson book since I am loving Longmire on Netflix this week, binge watching the series!
    Glad you got a new tv-- I watch my Netflix and Hulu on my Kindle fire since I am not tech savvy enough to figure out watching it on our big screen and hubby loses patience that I keep asking every single time how to do it. Easier for me to just chill on the couch with my cat and my Fire, lol. Have a great week, Bea!

  11. Whew! Sounds like you've been busy! It's nice being able to watch Netflix and the rest on and actual TV though to tell the truth I still do most of the watching on my Kindle! I'm curious about finding Audrey. The premise intrigues me a bit but Sophie Kinsella's books haven't worked for me in the past. Have a great week!

  12. Sounds like you have been busy! I want to read Finding Audrey, it sounds good and I have read a lot of Sophie KInsella books. Enjoy your week.

  13. Bea, you have a busy life. I'm surprised that you've got a substitute teaching job in the summer. Not only working, but writing four reviews! Ready to Were looks good. I might have to check that one out.

  14. Great books for you this week! I love the covers. It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life. I hope you enjoy your new books!
    My STS:

    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  15. Sounds like you are going to have a busy summer. At least you don't have to get up super early, that is a plus, right? Have a wonderful week, Bea.

  16. Yup, the little things definitely count for a lot! Your new books look really good this week, I hope you'll be able to read some of them even with your busy week.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  17. Congrats on the new TV ! You'll need it to unwind after those long days!

  18. Congrats on the new TV - that would be a biggie to me :) Enjoy and enjoy your books too.

  19. Wow, you're going to have some long days ahead of you. I love the sound of the new TV - hope you get it hooked up soon. And I'm glad the asthma is almost behind you!

  20. Hope you have a great week and doing get too caught up at work. ;) I know the feeling though. Glad you are doing well with the asthma. Take care!

  21. I'm happy for you on your new TV. Those little things really make our life bearable on those busy times. LOL I still use my VCR too! Lots of fun books this week:)

    My Sunday Post -

  22. Glad you got a TV, watching on a tablet is difficult (for me). I still use our VCR too. Have a great week.

  23. Whew that'll keep ya busy! Hope things settle in nicely with Summer school.

  24. I hope you aren't too exhausted this week. Good luck Bea!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  25. Omg! I can't imagine watching anything on a 7" screen. We have a big screen in the living room and I consider my computer monitor too small at 19". I so want a bigger one. You know, not because I'm a size queen or anything. It's because I refuse to wear my glasses. LOL


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!