Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday Book Share #143

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

It turned to summer last week; we had temps in the 80's, it hit 90 one day, and it was high humidity every day. I kept telling myself at least there was no snow or ice and it wasn't freezing out. This week is supposed to start in the high 50s and rainy then it gets progressively warmer until we're back in the 80s. Crazy weather.

I'm still playing catch up with reviews but I'm slowly making progress. I'm sick again, probably due to working so many hours last week and the humidity. I have a lighter schedule this week so maybe I can kill off this asthma flare before it gets too bad.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "asthma lung model" and "quotes stalking me"

ETA: in the comments, Berls asked what an asthma lung model is so here's a photo. Note that the airways shown are for when the asthma is quiet and there's no active inflammation. The airways  narrow more when there's an active inflammation. I shared this pic on the blog several years ago when I had lung surgery for my asthma:

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won this from Socrates' Book Reviews and Berkley Prime Crime.


Library - Kindle and print


Review Consideration

This was sent, unsolicited, by the author. The broom is also a pen.

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. We hit 80's last week too and it got muggy. Could do without the humidity. I hate being sick when it's hot- just makes you more miserable. Hope you feel beter.

    Book Clubbed looks fun.

    1. Yes, humidity makes everything worse. Thanks Greg.

  2. See! Working is bad for your health. ;) Hope your feeling better. It's supposed to hit 100 here tomorrow. Blah. Enjoy your books!

    1. LOL I always suspected that was the case. 100? Ugh, not fun. Good luck staying cool.

  3. My weather is similar to yours...I'm not ready for so much heat and humidity so soon. Will be spending more time indoor if this keeps up. Hope you feel better next week.

    My recap:

    1. I hope it doesn't get too humid or hot where you are.

  4. Nice haul of books. The weather was too cold, then it got so hot suddenly. It really is not fair. I hope you feel better.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. The summer heart isn't that bad here in TN yet. We've been getting a lot of rains, which is fine by me. Have a fab reading week!

    1. I remember hot humid summers in TN; enjoy your reprieve!

  6. We've been so humid here! Of course, I'm lucky we aren't floating away since a pretty decent chunk of Texas is! Mother nature seems particularly pissed at Texas at the moment :/

    Hope you get to feeling better soon, rest up! And what is an asthma lung model exactly? LOL have a great week!

    1. Yes, Texas was hit hard. I have nothing to complain about when compared to them.

      I can't upload a pic in the comments so I'll add a pic to the post but a an asthma lung model is a 3D model of what lungs with asthma look like. I shared it on the blog several years ago when I had lung surgery for my asthma.

  7. 80's well I love it when it's that warm, but also like a break in the weather. Our weather in CA has been 60's overcast and drizzly every day. =/
    Hope you feel better.

    1. 80s isn't bad if there's no humidity but with it, blergh. At least this summer I have working A/C/. :)

  8. It was hot and humid here and in Philadelphia where we were several days last week. We're cooling down a little, too, but not as much as you are! I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Bea. The weather is probably not helping.

    It's great you're getting a grip on your reviews, Bea. I'm still trying to catch up with mine. You got lots of great looking books this week. Enjoy!

    1. The weather is definitely not helping; my asthma and allergies are very much affected by the weather.

      We'll get our reviews done, I know we will! But we need to not stress over them either. The world won't end because they're late or don't get done. :)

  9. It's been so gross here, I hate hot and humid, I am more a winter girl :)
    The heat just makes it so hard to breath and it's much nicer in the AC.

    I have a few reviews I need to get done, I keep saying it but I really need to start doing it lol

    Have a great week, BEA!

    1. Lots of us are behind on reviews it seems. :)

  10. I need some nice weather the weather here in the UK is all over the place. It's mostly raining and dull :( You got some good books. Just one taste I have seen around a lot. Happy Reading.

    Megan @

    1. I hope your weather settles down and you get a break. I saw Just One Taste at another blog and it sounded so good, I decided to see if I could get it. :)

  11. We're in the 80s here as well and it's decided to rain for the next week on and off which makes for some great humidity. My hair is growing to massive size! You got so many great books! I have The Betrayed but haven't read it yet though I did just read an older Heather Graham. I loved Just One Taste and have been wanting to read the Mary Higgins Clark. Have a great week!

  12. I also have asthma, but it has fortunately been somewhat under control for a few years...but going outside during allergy season can arouse that sleeping lion, so I take allergy pills, too!

    I loved The Cinderella Murder...hope you do, too. Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  13. OMG! That broom pen! I love it!! I'm so glad the weather will be getting a bit cooler...I hate the jump from winter right into summer! Hope you feel better!

  14. We're having similar weather as yours. I hope you start to feel better! Your books look great. Enjoy!

    Have a great week!

  15. We like a lot of the same authors. I've read many of your books and you are going to enjoy them! Love that broom pen!!

    My Sunday Post -

  16. Just One Taste sounds good. Hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  17. I like a couple of your new arrivals!

    We've had strange weather here too (in Australia). It got cold - preparing for winter, but then it's been really hot again. Yesterday (and today) it's supposed to be 26C - on the first day of winter!!!!

  18. Oh my. That's some serious heat there! Hope you keep cool, though not freezing. ;)

    Have a great week and enjoy your new reads!

  19. The humidity can kick your immune system around for sure! Hope you are better soon!
    Enjoy all your new reads Bea!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  20. I really liked Eat, Play Lust.I thought she taught water yoga? But it was super fun and sexy and if it is still free is a great "buy."

    Controlling asthma is so important! I slack on mine but it is rare. My husband does his prevention religiously.

    We had warm then cool, then warm one minute and cold the next (lit.) Today it feels like November. Glad I didn;t put in my morning glory seeds yet!
    Thanks for visiting!

  21. I am finally getting over my nasty cold, it stuck around for over a week. Lame. OUr weather sounds a bit like yours. We were in the 80s over the weekend, today is cool and rainy. We are low sixties and rainy for threes days and then up to 90 by the weekend.

  22. Those lung models are freakin' me out. And this from a person who reads monster porn. LOL We also hit the 80s and have for a few weeks now. This week though it's rain, cloudy, rain, cloudy, rain. At least so far. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  23. It was indeed hot and humid this past weekend - above 90! - and now it's in the 60s and wet. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well; I hope your asthma improves. Several of your new books look really tempting - I keep meaning to try the Lorna Barrett series, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

  24. Sorry you're not feeling well, Bea, I hope this week will be better! That asthma lung thing is scary! I had no idea the airways got that small when inflamed. No wonder it feels like not getting any air at all!

    Enjoy your new books and have a great week.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!