Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bea Reviews Pine and the Winter Sparrow by Alexis York Lumbard, Illustrated by Beatriz Vidal

Publisher: Wisdom Tales 
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: February 1, 2015
Challenges: May 2015 Clean Sweep ARC Challenge | NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge | What An Animal
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | OmniLit* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Have you ever wondered why pine trees stay green all winter long and don t lose their leaves like other trees? According to an ancient legend attributed to the Cherokee Indians, it was a simple act of kindness towards an injured little bird that earned pine trees this very honor. Retold by award-winning author Alexis York Lumbard, this story invites readers to experience a world where trees and birds speak and interact with each other, and which shows us that no act of kindness and sharing goes unrewarded. Featuring beautiful paintings by multiple award-winning illustrator Beatriz Vidal, you will never look at pine trees in the same way again!" 

Bea's Thoughts:

What a lovely book! "Pine and the Winter Sparrow" is inspired by different versions of an American Indian tale of why the pine tree keeps its needles while other trees lose their leaves in the fall and winter.  A simple story, sparely told, it offers an explanation, and a gentle moral of being kind and helpful. There was a part of me that wanted more detail - how did the sparrow become injured, how did he survive the winter, etc. but the story works fine as it is. The illustrations are soft pastel and at times have a Japanese feel to them. Each tree shown is immediately recognizable and yet some of the leaves have an almost feathery look them, a nice touch.

"Pine and the Winter Sparrow" was sweet, lovely, inspirational, and both the illustrations and the text will engage young readers.

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