Tuesday, May 26, 2015

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Run (NOLA Zombie #1) By Gillian Zane

Publisher: Parajunkie Publishing
Series: NOLA Zombie #1
Format Read: E-book
Source: pr firm in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: May 26, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* |
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Zombies are on the loose in New Orleans and of all the End of the World scenarios, Alexis Winter wasn’t prepared for this one. But, an apocalypse is an apocalypse and she should have this covered. She has been “prepping” for the last three years. The problem is location and timing. She’s stuck downtown and she has to get to her house on the outskirts of the city so she can get her supplies and bug-in (for the “non-preppers” this means hole up and stay safe).

Agreeing to work on a Saturday is now coming back to bite her on the ass big time. Hopefully, it won’t be a literal bite by the walking dead.

Luck favors the prepared, and as luck would have it, it comes in the form of the ridiculously hot Blake Miller. Former military man, current mercenary, Blake Miller, the man with the plan, his goal: steal a boat and trek up the Mississippi until they find safety. Alexis thinks this is a great plan and she decides to team up with Blake. The two team up in unexpected ways as they find they can’t keep their hands off of each other even when the world is falling down around them.

Can Alexis and Blake survive the end of the world, and if they do make it through the night, find a place that is safe and secure? Can their newfound attraction lead them down the road to love or heartbreak?

Zombies, sex, romance and carnage…you can’t get any better than this.

Steph's Thoughts:

I am a huge Walking Dead fan and that has made me a sucker for zombie books of any type. With that said, I have mixed feelings about this book. It has lots of action, sex, and it moves pretty fast.

 I liked the fact that Alexis is a prepper and has been preparing for some kind of apocalypse (even if she chose the wrong type.) I liked that she hooked up with Blake, who is able to fend for himself in such a crazy time. I could even get into the fact that they had sex at one point in the story BUT they totally let their guard down at another point to have sex. Seriously? Zombies crawling around and sex is more important than safety? It's one thing to have sex when you know you are totally protected it is another to just stop everything to have sex.

 I also found it hard to believe that Alexis' house wasn't a better bunker to hole up in. I have seen the prepper shows and most of those people have a solid plan and their house is a fortress.

Now , I admit that I read this story from start to finish without stopping. It moved fast, which in my life is a good thing. However, it has a cliffhanger, which is my biggest problem with many books these days. Granted it is not a HUGE cliffhanger, one story is mostly finished before the book ends.

 I do prefer that my zombie books have a little more blood and goo but this really isn't a zombie book. The relationship developing between Alexis and Blake is supposed to be the main story, with a few zombies tossed.

 If you enjoy zombies, this is an OK book. If you like good sex scenes, this is a great book. If you hate cliffhangers, this is not the book for you.  


 Gillian Zane has been writing fiction stories since she was first able to put pen to paper. She has published a few non-fiction books in her field of study, which is Art, but finally, after all, these years her first fiction novella is being released. Gillian is obsessed with anything that gives her a thrill and feels adding romance to any storyline is a good thing. She was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. She lives with her husband, too many animals in a little house that has way too many books.

THE GIVEAWAY: Open to U.S. Residents Only. Please read our Giveaway Policy.

PRIZES: 1 - 7” Kindle Fire 1 -eBook Giveaway of Run to one Commenter

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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