Monday, March 23, 2015

The Deputy's Redemption by Delores Fossen: INTERVIEW and PLAY LIST

Today I have a short interview with romance author Delores Fossen and her playlist for her new book, "The Deputy's Redemption". I'm a sucker for a story that involves a man in uniform, they're just hard to resist.

Delores is a USA Today bestselling author with a family tree that includes Texas cowboys, Choctaw and Cherokee Indians, a Louisiana pirate, and a Scottish rebel who battled side by side with William Wallace. With ancestors like that, it's easy to understand why Delores, a Texan and former Air Force captain, feels as if she were genetically predisposed to writing romances. Along the way to fulfilling her DNA destiny, Delores married an Air Force top gun who just happens to be of Viking descent. With all those romantic bases covered, she doesn’t have to look too far for inspiration.

Find Delores Online:


Delores Fossen

Ms. Fossen has prepared for us a playlist of songs that embodies the book’s characters and their love story. The links go to YouTube.

All I Want Is You by U2
Different Drum by The Stone Poneys

1.     THE DEPUTY’S REDEMPTION is the latest in your Sweetwater Ranch series. Can you tell us a bit about the series and characters?

The series is about a family of cowboy cops who are torn apart when their mother is arrested for murder. In THE DEPUTY’S REDEMPTION, Colt McKinnon is a deputy sheriff who also helps his brothers run their successful Sweetwater Ranch. He has to risk his life to protect Elise Nichols, a woman from his past who could ultimately send his father to prison.

2.     Elise and Colt have an interesting past together. What does this bring to the story?

I think their teenage crush has remained over the years, but now that they’re adults, they have to deal with the old attraction and the new problems that it’s creating. If Colt gives into the attraction, he could be betraying his family since Elise’s testimony could lead to his father’s arrest.

3.     Colt McKinnon is an incredible name for a character. Do you have a method down for creating names?

I listen for names in airports, grocery stores, wherever I am. Whenever I hear one that I think might fit, I put it in a file and wait until the right story comes to mind for that character’s name.

4.     Do you have any say in the design of your book covers?

I do fill out a detailed art fact sheet for Harlequin for each book, and I describe three scenes for the art department. The idea is for me to convey the tone and appearance of the main characters and the story.

5.     Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Definitely a plotter. I’m one of those writers who can’t start until I have the plot worked out.

6.     Using just 5 words, how would you describe Elise and Colt’s love affair?

Love that manages to survive.

7.     What drew you to writing romantic suspense?

I love weaving together the romance and the mystery, and the danger makes the stakes so high. It’s easy to put the petty stuff aside when the bad guys are trying to kill you.

8.     If THE DEPUTY’S REDEMPTION was made into a movie, which Hollywood actors would you cast for the main characters and why?

Charlie Hunnam for Colt, but I’d want him less buff. Colt is more on the lanky side. (Happy sigh ~ Bea)

Natalie Portman for Elise. There’s a quiet strength about her that I think Elise has.

9.     What is your go-to snack when you’re writing?

Tea and cookies. I wish it were something healthier, but they feed the muse. (Or at least that’s what I like to tell myself!)

10.                         What are you working on next?

I’m working on a new series for Harlequin Intrigue—titled Appaloosa Pass. It’s a 6-book series about a family of Texas lawmen who are looking for a serial killer. I’m also working on a new single title trilogy for HQN tentatively called Spring Hill. It, too, will be about a family of cowboys and should be released in late 2016.

Thank you Delores! Enjoy your tea and cookies.

The woman fleeing a cold-blooded killer is no stranger to Deputy Colt McKinnon. Fourteen years ago, Elise Nichols was the love of his life. Now she's back in Sweetwater Springs—to be the star witness in an upcoming murder trial that could tear the Texas lawman's family apart.

With her explosive revelations certain to rock the town, Elise didn't expect to be welcomed home with open arms. Certainly not by the cowboy with the badge who once meant everything to her. But after being run off the road and shot at, she has no choice but to trust him. Even more dangerous is the desire that's reigniting, making Elise yearn for something she may not live to see.

Publisher: Harlequin Intrigue
Series: Sweetwater Ranch #5
Format: paperback, ebook
Release Date: February 20, 2015
Buying Links:  Amazon* | Book Depository* | ARe* | Barnes & Noble 
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

1 comment:

  1. Loving that dream cast! And cool details about how the covers are put together, I bet it's difficult to try and condense a book to a fact sheet! Great interview:)


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