Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Book Share #133

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Another busy week at school, more snow and on the first day of spring no less, and I'm trying to get the medical records of Claude, my boarder cat, who has seemingly been abandoned by his owners. I knew there was a good chance that I'd end up keeping him so I'm disappointed but not surprised. Right now, all I want from his former people is to have his medical records transferred to my vet. I also got some news about the health of several family members so I'm dealing with that.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "amazon mary bradley books up the creek", "where to find free ebook 'the kind worth killing for' ", "read snow white sorrow online free", "jacques ravenne", "curves'em right by:milly taiden" and of course, there's always a cat one, "cat tunnel to outside".

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I attended a Facebook party for the release of Echoes by Laura K. Curtis and ended up winning a bunch of books. :)



Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I'm intrigued by Manhattan Mayhem. I'll have to look for that. That's too bad about Claude but at least he's adjusted okay and you've adjusted to him. It is disappointing that his owners are being difficult. I hope that the family health issues you're dealing with aren't too bad. Have a great (and hopefully calmer) week!

    1. I thought of you when I saw Manhattan Mayhem. A calmer week would be very good indeed and thanks for visiting!

  2. Looks like you have had a great week!! I have been wanting to read Burn For Me...hope you enjoy it.

  3. Your posts always remind me to check out my own search terms, it's is so random how people find us! I like the look of Homefront and The One that Got Away. Hope you enjoy them all and have a great week.

    1. It always amuses me what search terms bring people to the blog. You should share yours sometime. :)

  4. So mean about snow on the first day of Spring. And sad about Claude's people but that's usually how it goes in situations like this. Some people just need to be pinched.

    1. I hate Mother Nature right now. I would like to pinch or slap Claude's former owners, abandoning their boy. :(

  5. I loooooooooooved Burn for Me. Loved it so much! :)

    1. That seems to be the general reaction. :D

  6. Oh! The One That Got Away looks good! Yeah for you wining a bunch of books. I stopped attending those facebook parties because they clogged up my email/facebook stream and I never ever won anything.
    I am sorry to hear about Claude's owners. I hope they at least get you his records. I am also sorry to hear about your family member, whatever it is. I hope you are okay.

    1. Yeah, the Facebook book parties can be a pain and boy do they clutter up the feed. I usually skip them but I'm glad I attended this one. :)

  7. I am so done with this snow...we got the first day of spring snow too and that was not fun.

    Your books look good. Congrats on the win. I'm deciding about Shadow Cartel. I usually enjoy the author but I'm so overloaded with reviews right now.

    Poor Claude...I hope you can get the medical records.

    Have a great week!

    1. My Shadow Cartel review will probably go up in late June or sometime in July. He's pretty relaxed about when reviews go up.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh you got Burn for Me..I loved it and that sale was fantastic. I hope you get his medical records. It is funny I thought the same thing when you took him in.

  10. The snow was annoying! It was really not necessary.
    *hugs* to you on the family issues and I hope you can get all the information for the cat. I am glad he is with you and not on the streets.

    Have a great week Bea! Enjoy your new books!

  11. Burn For Me is a great deal!

    I hope this coming week is easier for you, Bea!

  12. Voices looks like it will be a good one. Enjoy and have a great week.

  13. I really need to read an Ilona Andrews book sometime soon. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  14. Well, Claude couldn't have found a better home - he's a lucky kitty! I hope the issue with his medical records works out. (Didn't his family move overseas or something? It can be tough to get an animal through quarantine.)

    I also hope things will be alright with your family members' health. I'll pray and hope for all to be well.

  15. Congrats on your win and new books. Kathryn Jane's look really good. I ended up taking in my sisters cat. It took a bit but now she crawls in my lap, making her my kitty:)

    My Sunday Post -

  16. Yes! Burn for Me ... reeeead it! Hmm, I'd say that's terrible about Claude, but I think he's gaining a better mom. I hope your family members are okay.

  17. Hope you have a great week, enjoy all your new books. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  18. Oh, I hope you enjoy Burn for Me! I tried it but had to DNF because I wasn't really not enjoying :/ Didn't like the characters, romance, worl-building..

  19. Nice assortment of books, Bea. Manhattan Mayhem is on my wish list. Have a great week.

  20. Thanks for posting my covers! I hope you enjoy the stories :D
    And again, bless you for giving Claude a forever home! .... Since my old boy died in January I've been half expecting a wayward cat to show up on my porch looking for a home. If one doesn't volunteer in the next month or two I'll take in a foster from the local rescue as long as Bear will accept another cat into the house :D

  21. Funny search words, I knew rabbits dug tunnels to go outside, but I'd never seen that about a cat, lol ! I'm sorry about Claude but it looks like the two of you are finally getting along ? He'll probably be happier with you. Enjoy your new books and have a zen week with no sad news :)

  22. Sounds like a chaotic week for you. I hope your family members are okay and that you get Clyde's records. I am glad you are giving him a good home. I hope you love Burn for ME.

  23. I hope you get Claude's medical details all sorted.
    Jealous you got Burn for Me, wasn't on sale for me :(

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  24. At least you know Claude will be in good hands! Sorry about the cold weather and bad news, hope something comes along to cheer you up. Hugs xxx


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!