Sunday, February 1, 2015

Winning at Reading Begins Today!

Are you ready? Today is the day! All month, we'll be working on books that you've won or received as a gift. Maybe you only have one or two, maybe you have a dozen, but here's your chance to finally sit down and read (or listen). It's so easy to shove them aside in favor or a library book or review book and they sit collecting dust. Well, grab that book, dust it off, and READ!

If you haven't posted your goal post on your blog, goodreads, or facebook, make sure to get it up! Then link it here.

Make sure to post a review, it could be just a couple sentences, on goodreads, Amazon, Facebook, or your blog and then link it below. The linky will be open through March 7th so everyone has time to put in their reviews. When the linky closes, rafflecopter and I will choose a winner. If you haven't signed up yet, you can sign up until the 15th of February.

The prize is a book of your choice from either Book Depository (print){make sure they deliver to your country}or Amazon (Kindle or Audio), up to $10US.

Ready? Set? READ!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Woot..I have a few books selected, and look forward to the challenge

  2. I have just done my goals post and picked some books that I'll hopefully get though! Good luck Bea with your goals!

  3. Bea, I finished my first but my review will not post till March 11th. Can we link goodreads shelf with mini review?


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!