Monday, December 8, 2014

November Challenge Wrap Up

Wrap Up

I went a bit nuts this year with challenges; I hope I can accomplish them all. The only one I'm not tracking is my goodreads reading challenge; all the rest I'll include in my monthly wrap up post.

November I had 4 challenges in addition to my year-long ones: the 30 Day Blog Ahead challenge, the Month of Giving Thanks, and NetGalley November. There was also the Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon which was 6 days long. I did well with that one. :)

Grab a drink, get comfy, and get ready!

Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon - Goal - 7

On the Naughty List by Lori Foster, et al
Christmas with a SEAL by Tawny Weber
Maybe This Christmas by Sarah Morgan 
The Heart of Christmas by Brenda Novak 
Christmas Gift That Keeps Wagging - review to come
Her Holiday Man by Shannon Stacey- review to come
I'm Dreaming of an Undead Christmas by Molly Harper- review to come

Total: 7! I did it!

NetGalley November Goal - Medium level of 5-10 

Total: 7. Not bad though I was hoping to hit 10.  

Month of Giving Thanks - Goal - post every day

Oh, I had SUCH good intentions. I started well, posting every day for the first week, and then nothing more until the end of the month. In all, I only did 7 posts for the 30 day challenge. :(

My posts

30 Day Blog Ahead challenge - Goal: 30 prescheduled posts by the end of November. 

Total: I ended up with 11 for December plus 28 of my November posts were written and pre-scheduled with the rest being written last minute. At the moment I have 5 December posts in various stages of drafting. 

Reading BINGO Challenge

I've given up on this one.


Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge - Goal: 1-5

Nothing last month.


Erotic Romance Challenge - Goal: 12

1. Love Under Two Outcasts by Cara Covington


Finishing the Series Reading Challenge - Goal: 3 series  Revised Goal: 6 8 10 11 13 14

1. Organized for Homicide by Ritter Ames
2. Symbiont by Mira Grant 
3. All I Want for Christmas is You by Jessica Scott
4. Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop
5. Wolf Slayer by Angela Addams

TOTAL:  37 books, 14 series completed! Anything else for the rest of the year is icing on the cake. :) (Finished - Fallen Siren, Kitty Norville, October Daye, Mercy Thompson, Ashfall, Midnight Magic Mystery, The Clifton Chronicles, The Iron Druid, Cainsville, Jane Yellowrock, The Order of the Wolf, Parasitology, Organized Mysteries, The Others)

What An Animal Reading Challenge - Goal: 7-12

1. Love Under Two Outcasts by Cara Covington {There are horses! Therapy horses no less. :)}
2. A Last Goodbye by J.A. Jance


Cruising Thru the Cozies Reading Challenge - Goal: 13 or more

1. Organized for Homicide by Ritter Ames
2. Fatal Brushstroke by Sybil Johnson


I Love Library Book Reading Challenge - Goal: 18

1. Superstition by Karen Robards 
2. The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance


Just For Fun Reading Challenge - Goal: 12, 1 a month  

1. The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance


Not too bad. I've already signed up for next year's challenges. I'll do fewer of the year long ones so I can continue to focus on the shorter term ones such as Ho Ho Ho, COYER, and NetGalley November.


  1. Bea, I'm impressed! I couldn't keep track of that many challenges, let alone keep up with them! I look forward to your HoHoHo reviews, too.

    1. Goodreads helps keep me organized though I definitely took on too much last month.

  2. I like how organized you are on your challenges. I signed up for a bunch this year but didn't really keep track which wasn't as fun. I'm cutting down on my signups but am going to focus more on them. You got some great reading done!


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