Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Month of Giving Thanks: Day Five

Berl at Fantasy Is More Fun and Michelle at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life are hosting a month long blog event for giving thanks. The idea is to blog about people, things, or events that we are thankful for. I probably won't post every day; I'm aiming instead for a few times a week.

If you want to participate, you still can; just click on one of the links above. You can post every day, once a week, several times a week, whatever schedule works for you. There will be a linky post every day at the to host blogs so you can link up your post.

I'm switching it up today. Instead of focusing on bloggers, I'm spotlighting my dad. It's his birthday today, 90 years old. Eeep.

My dad at Christmas from several years ago -

He's served in several wars, was a career officer in the US Air Force, has been married twice, has 5 kids including a stepdaughter, loves war movies and caper movies, wasn't afraid to work hard, loves to tell jokes, and always enjoyed a drink. One of his favorite stories was from a trip to Iran many, many years ago. He and his team were in his hotel, relaxing, having drinks. There was an earthquake and they all evacuated. They get outside and one of his team members looks at him and goes, "Damn it Don, don't you ever put your drink down?" :D He held onto his glass of Scotch all the way down the flights of stairs and outside. Now, my dad wasn't a lush but he did enjoy a glass of scotch after work or a beer with lunch on the weekends. He gave up drinking years ago for health reasons but he indulges in a non-alcoholic beer from time to time.

My dad traveled frequently as part of his work in the Air Force, he'd be gone for weeks at a time. But when he was around, he was part of our lives and encouraged us to aim high. He made sure that my sister, stepsister, and I knew that being women didn't mean we couldn't do what we wanted but neither would we be given special consideration for being women. He and my stepmother would come to my college every fall for Parents Weekend, they never missed a one. When I've needed work advice, he's been there to help out. He's supported me, encouraged me, and kicked my butt.

These days, he has Alzheimer's and he's slowed way down, but he still tells jokes and stories. He may get the details wrong but that doesn't stop him and we don't correct him. I can't be there for his birthday so this is my birthday card to him.

Happy Birthday Dad! 

I love you.


  1. Aw, I want to give him a birthday hug!! I hope he gets to celebrate with some nonalcoholic beer. ;)

  2. That's a very sweet post Bea! Happy birthday to your Dad. :-)
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  3. Aw I just got a little tear, I'm so sorry to hear he haw Alzheimer - my grandmother had that and it was so hard to see such an amazing woman lose so much of herself. I know it has to be hard, but it sounds like you have lots of great memories to dwell on for the both of you! Your dad sounds fantastic - happy 90th to him. And even though I don't know him personally, give him my thanks too! I have the deepest respect and gratitude for the men and women who have risked their lives for us and I don't think they get the recognition they deserve. It's too easy for us to forget that we have it pretty good and we owe a lot of that to people much braver than us (than me at least) and even those that make it home physically unharmed still have scars we can't hope to understand. Anyway, that's kind of a soap box issue for me, sorry for going on and on! But thanks to your dad and happy birthday, I hope it's a great day :)

  4. Aws happy birthday to the papa. He sounds like an amazing man.

  5. Happy Birthday to your Dad.*hugs* such a sweet post.

  6. What a beautiful family story, Bea! You've got an awesome dad and totally someone to be thankful for. I grew up Air Force brat too.


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