Wednesday, May 28, 2014

EXCERPT & GIVEAWAY: Unseasonal War by David Englund

Hello, today I have a short excerpt from a science fiction thriller and a giveaway of the book. David Englund is a storyteller (science fiction author) and teaches economics at North Dakota State University. His first two titles, "Upsetting the Tides" and "Unseasonal War" are available on Amazon. "Camouflaged Encounters" is due out in late 2014 and the fourth and fifth books are in progress.

Find David Online:




The entire bridge quaked with greater and greater intensity. Standing upright became increasingly difficult with each passing moment, even with the help of safety bars. A ship of this size was not meant to traverse a planet’s atmosphere.

“There she is!” A cadet pointed at a screen.

The enemy ship itself still wasn’t visible. However, flames burst up out of nowhere, surrounding a small blank area on the screen. Something was definitely breaking the atmosphere of the planet.

“Now! Pull out. Full speed ahead.”

The shaking quickly diminished. Two seconds later, the bridge was perfectly level and moving forward smoothly again.

“Now! Target those flames. Fire aft lasers. All engines stop.”

Clark concentrated on the view screens. Lasers connected twice as two explosions erupted amidst the flames. Crew members cheered. Captain Trind quickly put a stop to the celebration as he continued to stare at the screens and rattle off commands. The enemy vessel followed suit and broke out of the atmosphere back into orbit. It came out firing. Lasers once again impacted the ship in several locations.

“Fire! Keep firing! Target the smoke! We can see exactly where she is now. Hit her!”

The camera view displayed her approach. The smoking ship passed directly overhead, both ships trading fire, both taking hits. Clark could feel the deck tremble every time they were assaulted.

“All ahead one-half. Follow that smoke trail. Fire forward lasers.”

The entire ship jumped three feet as an explosion emanated from below decks, causing those standing to lose their footing. A few seconds passed. Several crew members shook their heads and struggled to stand. It took a few more seconds to regain composure. Clark felt the ship slow down.

“Sir . . . the engine room . . . the engine room is gone. Completely.”


Clark Jackson’s travels, for the first time, put him in touch with an intriguing species remarkably human-like. He becomes instantly fascinated with the Fronents and envious of their advanced technology. Striving to befriend them and learn more, his uncontrolled enthusiasm forsakes the use of appropriate caution and suspicion. Could their cold reception be a byproduct of their war with a vile species in this corner of the universe, or something else?

The magnificent splendor of an unexplored galaxy, new species to encounter and the adrenalin rush of space battle feed Clark’s awestruck hunger for exploration and adventure. Unfortunately, the more he learns the more he questions; including the wisdom of his entangled involvement in their war.

Meanwhile, back home in Des Moines, Iowa, Clark attempts to maintain an inconspicuous lifestyle to avoid attracting the attention of a certain relentless federal agency. His girlfriend’s own secret, however, could unravel it all.

**Even though the book is the second book in the series, it IS standalone.**
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Series: Clark Jackson #2
Format: Kindle, paperback
Release Date: September 11, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon*



David will be awarding a digital copy of Unseasonal War to a randomly drawn commenter at every stop during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


  1. I love stories set in a new world. I would love to read this one.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. Thank you so much for promoting my latest novel Bea! This is a very attractive post.

  3. Love that this book can be a stand alone although it's part of a series. I hate when I start reading a book and didn't realize I had number 2 or 3 and I can't follow what is happening.

    1. I know what you mean Victoria. You can enjoy this one without reading any of the others. Unfortunately, my next book (Camouflaged Encounters) is going to kick off a series because I have so many stories in my head that are connected to that first part. Thanks for the support!


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