Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cat Thursday - Everyone's Asleep. RUN!

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict

Happily, Goof doesn't do this often, he's more likely to do it when I'm awake and reading or watching TV. Other cats I've had have been guilty of this though.
Nothing But Kitty CATS

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  1. Mine wants to jump on THAT book case & knock stuff down when I'm in bed. No other time.

  2. I don't know if Caleb would do that... he's not actually THAT energetic but he sleeps in his own room so the whole house isn't free to him XD It was his sister's fault (before she found a new owner) that they had to sleep there but it's for the best as Caleb is quite a pukey cat :P
    Caleb only runs really fast when gets spooked & it's not full pelt down a flight of stairs or in the Garden XD
    I've only ever had two cats. How many have you had?
    Also, thanks for checking out my Cat Thursday! I wouldn't put it past Caleb to be mad at me (but he wouldn't do anything about it); it is more likely he was just bored though & just felt like being awkward in my photos XD

    1. As an adult, I've had 4. Growing up, my family had a pack of acts, over the years, about a dozen or so. Not all cats engage in this behavior but it is pretty normal.

  3. My girls will do that. Although Cookie usually reminds me that 4 am is a good time for breakfast and she crawls on my head.

    1. Heh, Goof used to do that but he's no longer allowed in teh bedroom.

  4. Ours don't do that - at 4PM, except when it's cold, they're outside roaming ! They just come back home and ask for us to open the bedroom window at 5AM, that's all :)

  5. I think this cat has been talking to my cat.

  6. The little skinny black fluffball is a firm believer in this tactic.
    Thank you for visiting Animal Anarchy.


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