Monday, February 24, 2014

Quote-Tastic #37 When dead loved ones twitch, it's time for a witch.

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As I've said before, I love Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. "Amityville Horrible" focuses on the werewolf Alpha Jeremy and his necromancer girl friend Jaime, but this scene has Jaime and a witch, Savannah. Both Jaime and Savannah have a tendency to get kidnapped and need rescuing. :D

I placed a quick call before my shower.
"Cortez Winterbourne Investigations," a voice sang out.
"When dead loved ones twitch, it's time for a witch."

"One of these days, you're going to do that accidentally. to someone who really shouldn't know what you guys investigate."

Savannah made a rude noise. She was the receptionish at the agency where her former guaridans-Lucas Cortez and Paige Winterbourne-worked. Savannah is Eve's twenty-one-year-old daughter. We met a couple of years after her mom died, when I'd helped Lucas and Paige on a case. That's how I met Eve and got my guardian angel.

"So, what's up?" she said. 

"I had a weird experience that I'd like Paige to cross-reference in the files."

"Weird? Huh. Let me guess. You've managed to go several years now without being kidnapped, and you suspect it's a sign of the apocalypse."

"Hey, you've tied my record."

"No, I believe I'm still one kidnapping behind. So what's so weird?"

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  1. I really have to get to this one. I just love Kelley Armstrong :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  2. LOL when dead loved ones twitch its time for a witch ::snort:: that's too funny.

  3. I don't like Kelley Armstrong, but this excerpt is really cool

  4. "When dead loved ones twitch, it's time for a witch" damn you, I burst out laughing and spat cookie crumbs all over my computer screen.

    1. *hands Sofia a towel and more cookies*

      Sorry :D

    2. Thanks goodness I'd already set down my water glass, or I'd need a towel as well. I love quotes.

  5. LOL! I've read a couple from this series and have really meant to get to the rest maybe one day!

    -Amanda P

    Where the Night Kind Roam

  6. I read this and really enjoyed it. Jaime has been a favorite of mine since the beginning. I love the fact that her and Jeremy have hooked up. They make such a wonderful couple.

    1. Unlike some people, I didn't hate Jaime when she was introduced but I didn't love her either. She's grown on me though and I like her.


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