Monday, February 24, 2014

Bea Reviews The Execution by Dick Wolf

Publisher: William Morrow
Series: Jeremy Fisk #2
Format Read: print ARC
Source: won from the publisher via twitter
Release Date: January 7, 2014
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | ARe* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

NYPD Detective Jeremy Fisk must make an uneasy ally - the disturbingly beautiful and assertive Mexican Intelligence Agency Detective Cecilia Garza. She recognizes the signature of assassin Chuparosa - a hummingbird carved on a corpse. After years of pursuit, she knows only that he is heading to Manhattan - with the rest of the world for UN Week. 

Ten days after the Mexican presidential election, 23 bodies were found beheaded on the US border, each carved by Chuparosa. Near New York, Rockaway has a mass murder. There is more to this threat than meets the eye — and justice is not always blind.

Bea's Thoughts:

I read and enjoyed the first book in this series so I jumped when I saw the publisher was doing a giveaway for this book over on twitter and I was excited to win. 

"The Execution" occurs about six months after the events in "The Intercept". Fisk is mostly recovered from his injuries, still in mourning for the loss of his girl friend, and working desk duty co-ordinating security for a migraine of a week, United Nations Week in Manhattan, NY. Heads of state and diplomats from countries around the world are in town, complete with their security forces and numerous US alphabet soup agencies. 

It didn't hold me the same way that "The Intercept" did but it was still an engrossing story and I enjoyed the glimpses into Mexico and Mexican life. The action slows a little when it shifts to the US then picks up again. Garza is a fascinating character who I'd love to see again, maybe even in her own book. I was a little disappointed in the hint of romance between her and Fisk. Not every story needs a romance; sure, there can be some attraction but that doesn't means something needs to come of it. It didn't feel organic to the story but added on for female appeal. Still, I was happy with the direction it went.

The story moves back and forth between Garza and Fisk's POV, though most of our time is spent in Fisk's head. He jeopardizes his job helping out Garza and along the way Wolf gives us some twists and surprises. "The Execution" is full of action, suspense, some violence, a hint of romance, and complicated relationships. It's not as well-done as "The Intercept" but it's solid story-telling and I want to know what happens next.
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  1. I agree, not every story needs romance esp when you're in dire circumstances, romance and all that is the last thing on your mind. I mean I love a good love story but like you said, it has to be organic.

    Great review!

  2. As with all series I`ll wait until it is finished. I like the premise and also like reading about other cultures, looking forward to learning more.

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  3. Ha - for some reason I first read "The Execution OF Dick Wolf" and wondered wtf happened? Ay ay ay. It's been a long time since I've read a book in this genre.

  4. I totally agree with you - every book doesn't have to have romance and I hate when it's added in just to be there. Too bad they didn't leave it out :( but sounds like the book was still pretty good so that's a win !

  5. I admit the name caught my eye, cause I immediately thought Law & Order (which in all of its iterations is a pretty amazing show). Didn't know he had a book series too. Sounds curious. Thanks for review!


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