Friday, January 24, 2014

The Friday 56 #12 - Fighting for Irish by Gina L. Maxwell

This is a fun meme to do hosted by Freda's Voice. If you'd like to join on the fun go to The Friday 56.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.

I just finished a romance, "Fighting for Irish" by Gina L. Maxwell. The quote is from 56% in the ebook.

Like a punch of nitrous oxide in a high performance race car, Aiden's darker self flooded his veins. What he hadn't let out in more than five years stretched and yawned inside...then shook off the sleep and bared its teeth.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Great cover!

    My Friday Post:

  2. Okay...I actually yawned when I read "yawn". Lol

    My post

  3. I hadn't heard of that book, but the cover is great!

  4. Sexy cover :)
    I would like to know more about this Aiden guy
    Ruty@THE FRIDAY 56

  5. That is a catchy excerpt! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. Oooh, that sounds amazing! It almost makes me wish I had a darker self because it sounds rather cool. But then I like being myself! Here's my Friday post and I hope you have a good weekend :)
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  7. Sounds like a delicious romance. Aiden sounds like a complicated and interesting hero with a big secret.
    Here's the link to my Friday post: PICTURING PERFECT.

  8. Creepy delicious!! That's what came to me with that cover and 56!

    Happy weekend!

  9. Wow, he certainly has an alpha male attitude! :D

    Linking from Friday 56,
    Ricki Jill


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