Friday, January 10, 2014

Giveaway & Interview with Romance Author Margaret Daley

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Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Dangerous Pursuit by Margaret Daley. Margaret, an award-winning author of eighty-five books, has been married for over forty years and is a firm believer in romance and love. When she isn’t traveling, she’s writing love stories, often with a suspense thread and corralling her three cats that think they rule her household.

Find Margaret Online:


 Margaret Daley


Bea: Welcome to the Nook,Can you please tell me a bit about yourself?

Margaret: I retired about five years ago from teaching for twenty-seven years. I've been writing and selling for thirty-three years. I now write full-time and enjoy my four granddaughters. I have three cats that adopted us, and I love to go to lunch with a friend then see a movie.

Bea: According to your website, you taught special needs children; what was your specialty? Do you think your teaching has influenced your writing in any way?

Margaret: My teaching and working with children with special needs has most definitely influenced my writing. I've written books about being blind, disabled physically, autism, children with Downs, traumatic brain disorder, ADD, and the list goes on. I worked many years with children with mental disabilities and then later children with learning disabilities. There are few disabilities I haven't dealt with.

Bea: Please tell us a little about your new release?

Margaret: Dangerous Pursuit is the first book in The Protectors Series. Its blurb:
Reading about danger never prepared Samantha Prince for the desperate phone call from her brother in Brazil that sent her from the safety of her New Orleans bookstore into the rugged, inhospitable Amazon in search of him and a hidden treasure. And reading about romance never prepared Samantha to resist the mysterious appeal of Brock Slader, a guide she hired to help her in her quest.

Alone with Brock in an alien world of orchids and anacondas, primitive headhunters and very up-to-date gunmen, she struggles to keep their relationship strictly business. Will Samantha survive the dangers in the jungle only to have her heart broken by a man who lives on the edge—no strings attached?

Bea: What’s coming up next for you with your writing? Are you working on your next book? Can you tell us a little about it?

Margaret: I've already have the second book in The Protectors Series out: Dangerous Interlude.

Also the third book in the series was just released: Dangerous Paradise.

Each one in the series is a sweet romance with suspense and mystery elements in it. They stand alone but are loosely tied to each other.

Bea: What’s a typical day of writing for you? Are you a planner or do you wing it?

Margaret: I start writing after I have gone through my emails in the morning. I write throughout most days with breaks when I need them. In the evening, I often work on promotional activities. I write usually at least 6 days a week. I'm in the middle between a planner and winging it.

Bea: What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Margaret: Checking my spelling whenever I get a red line under a word.

Bea: What prompted you to start writing? Would you continue to write if you were no longer published?

Margaret: I loved to read and as a child loved to make up different stories. I went through an eight year dry spell after selling 20 books. I couldn't walk away and since then I've gone on to sell 72 more books.

Bea: What is your favorite part of writing? What is your least favorite part?

Margaret: Figuring out the story is my favorite part of writing and writing description is my least favorite.

Bea: You switched to writing Christian romance a few years back. Why Christian romance instead of clean romance? Would you write a romance or mystery that’s not Christian? 

Margaret: Yes, in fact, the stories I'm self publishing are my out of print sweet romances. But I love writing Christian romance and romantic suspense, too.

Bea: Who are some of your influences? Some of your favorite writers?

Margaret: James Rollins is my favorite author--he writes suspense and adventure. He transports me to another place. 

Bea: What genres do you enjoy reading? Do you have any favorite authors?

Margaret: Suspense, romantic suspense, and adventure are my favorite genres. As I said above, James Rollins and others like Julie Garwood and John Stanford are favorite authors of mine.
Bea: Was there someone who was, or is, particularly helpful to you? Was there someone who inspired you in your writing? In what way(s)?

Margaret: I have a critique group that will give me feedback. That has been helpful.
Bea: Do you think that social media is important for an author to be involved in?

Margaret: Yes. It's an opportunity for us to connect with our readers.

Bea: Does your family read your books? What do they think?

Margaret: My husband is very supportive but hasn't read my books. He loves non-fiction. My mother when she was alive did and my mother-in-law does. My older granddaughters are starting to read them, too.

Bea: Do you prefer to read paper books or ebooks? Why?

Margaret: Paper because I work at the computer all day.

Bea: Tell us what you’re reading at the moment and what you think of it.

Margaret: Beneath a Navajo Moon by Lisa Carter and I wrote an endorsement for the story. Very good romantic suspense that kept me turning the pages.

Bea: What book on the market does yours compare to? How is your book different?

Margaret: It is like Romancing the Stone--suspense with adventure thrown in.

Bea: If you could be a character in a book, which one would it be, and what part would you play? (Romantic lead, sidekick, etc)

Margaret: Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice.

Bea: I noticed you have some recipes on your site; do you enjoy cooking or is a necessary evil?

Margaret: I like to cook when I have the time.

Bea: Margaret, thank you for answering my questions. Is there anything that you want to add or say to your readers?

Margaret: I love hearing from readers. You can connect with me at:
Twitter: @margaretdaley


Blurb from the author ~

Reading about danger never prepared Samantha Prince for the desperate phone call from her brother in Brazil that sent her from the safety of her New Orleans bookstore into the rugged, inhospitable Amazon in search of him and a hidden treasure. And reading about romance never prepared Samantha to resist the mysterious appeal of Brock Slader, a guide she hired to help her in her quest.

Alone with Brock in an alien world of orchids and anacondas, primitive headhunters and very up-to-date gunmen, she struggles to keep their relationship strictly business. Will Samantha survive the dangers in the jungle only to have her heart broken by a man who lives on the edge—no strings attached?

Dangerous Pursuit is the first book in The Protectors Series
Coming Soon Dangerous Interlude and Dangerous Paradise

Publisher: Margaret Daley
Release Date: July 28, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon*  Barnes and Noble   Smashwords
* affiliate link; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through this link



Win one of five copies of Dangerous Pursuit. Please read my Giveaway Policy.

Click here to enter.

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  1. Great interview! Sounds like a great book.

  2. Thanks, Yvonne, for stopping by.

  3. This novel sounds captivating and unique. thanks for this feature. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com


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