Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Book Share #51


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

I had a lovely, quiet, restful week off. Tomorrow is our preparation week for the new school year. We'll form into our new teams, have meetings and trainings, and get the rooms ready. I'm with the same age groups as last year so that'll be good, exhausting but good. :) Caffeine, here I come! :D

The Week In Review

Odd or interesting search phrases for the blog: It was a mild week for search phrases - "thursday coffee photos" and "lucie hiscock", neither of which ring any bells for me.

The Upcoming Week

Review of Revealing Us by Lisa Renee Jones
August Challenge Wrap Up
Excerpt from Ten Million Reasons by Heather Gray
Guest Post by Ashlyn Macnamara, author of A Most Devilish Rogue
Guest Post by Stefan Kanfer, author of The Eskimo Hunts in Miami


It was a quiet yet very good week for books. :)

Review Consideration - Print

Review - Print

*HAPPY DANCE* I was psyched when this unexpectedly showed up in my mailbox. I love this series.

I got an eGalley from the publisher a few weeks ago but I'm also participating in a blog tour and was sent a hardcover copy by the tour publicist.

Kindle Freebies

I'll do my best to get around and say hi this week; the exhaustion shouldn't kick in until next week.


  1. I really need to start the October Daye series. I've had the first book on my TBR for a while.

    Happy reading.

    1. It's an excellent series; funny, smart, tightly written, strong characters.

  2. Great haul, Bea! Enjoy!

    Here's my Sunday post:

  3. Awesome haul. Happy reading :)


  4. I got Death Never Sleeps and Declan's Cross this week too. I still haven't had a chance to start Seanan McGuire's series but have the first couple of books on TBR mountain. Come see what I got this week at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

    1. Are you going to review Death Never Sleeps? I haven't decided yet.

      You really should read the Toby Daye books, they are incredible.

  5. Ooh, tempting stack of books! That Carla Neggers book is pulling me in....I haven't read this author, but her books are everywhere!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy your week.

    1. Neggers has a couple different series and some stand alones; she's not my fave author but I enjoy her.

  6. What a lovely haul. The one with the Cat on the Cover looks like a cute read. You always get some great books.

    Books of Love

  7. What would we do without caffeine right? :) Chimes of Midnight certainly looks interesting...

    1. I'm not ready to give up caffeine, that's for sure.

  8. Glad you had a good week off, and hope you enjoy your books

  9. Glad you had a restful week. Sounds like you will need it. Hope you have a good one this week!

  10. Couple of great new finds in books. :) Hope you have a great week this week.

  11. You only picked up two freebies? *stares in awe*

  12. I haven't heard about any of these books. But I hope you enjoy them!

    Have a fab Monday!

    Thoughts and Pens Stacking the Shelves

  13. Good luck this week Bea... looks like crazy life is about to begin again!! Nice haul, enjoy reading them!!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  14. Chimes at Midnight!!! Yay! So glad you've got it, and that you had a lovely quiet week, Bea! Enjoy all, huge hugs xxx


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!