Monday, August 26, 2013

Quote-Tastic #16 - In the Worst Possible Way

Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup has created a new weekly meme. Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed ya for one reason or another. 

Everyone's welcome to join in. Authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier!

Just grab the button and toss up your post :) 

Want to join along? Click on the link above. Leave me a link in your comment and I will check out your quotes! Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.

I read an ARC over the weekend that I really liked; I'll post the review next month. Since it IS an ARC, the material is not final and could change between now and the final version. "Cursed" by S.J. Harper is the first in a new UF series that features two FBI agents who happen to be supernatural beings, and they get involved.

He reaches out with one hand, brushing his fingertips down the side of my neck before tracing a painstakingly slow path along the edge of  my gown's neckline - starting in front of my shoulder and ending at the zipper. 

"You're sure you want this?"

I've had sex with plenty of men during my lifetime. A good many of those men have been quite imaginative. Some have even been memorable. With a few, it still hurts to think about. I've been here many times before. So, what is it about this man that makes me ache so?

Do I want him? I shiver. "In the worst possible way."
Bloggers: To add the linky to your post use the code blow:


  1. Ohh, that sounds interesting. I will keep an eye out for the review.

  2. Oh yum. Hadn't seen this one yet. Can't wait for your review. I really need to get back into reading more UF.

  3. Yummy quote. Love the cover. Have not heard of this. Will have to check it out.

  4. Oooh! Sounds like its going to be good! And that cover is just beautiful <3


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!