Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Book Share #50 and A Blog Update


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

VACATION!! School is out and I'm relaxing. I may go away later this week but that's still up in the air. For now I'm lazing on the couch, catching up on sleep. Then next week, it's back to work and prepping for the new school year. Posts through the end of September will be lighter and reviews will be sporadic though Jax and Carol have some scheduled. September and the start of the new school year always wipe me out and I end up falling asleep on the couch for several hours, usually before I've eaten dinner. I have lots of guests lined up, excerpts, giveaways, etc., most of them from authors at Astraea Press, where I'm an editor. October should see things back to normal, if the kids haven't killed me off. :D

The Week In Review

Interview: Taryn Kincaid, PNR


Odd or interesting search phrases for the blog: "excerpts from books with breast fondling" and "bug, bea high, bea"

The Week Coming Up

Blog Tour Review of Can't Help Falling in Love by Bella Andre
Guest Post by Celia J. Anderson
Interview with J.F. Jenkins
Jax Reviews Sojourner by Maria Rachel Hooley



I won this swag from author Deanna Wadsworth in a facebook giveaway. 

Gifted - Kindle

From the awesome Jodi Redford; the book is out in December but Jodi gave me an early copy, just because. :)

From one of my families at school as an end of the year present. :)

Review - Kindle

This will be an October review.

Kindle Freebies

How was your week? What books did you get?


  1. A gift card..squee I love those and that prize pack you won is sweet! Enjoy your vacation my friend..chocolate, book and feet up!

  2. oh many nice books! I hope you'll like them all. Happy reading!

    here is mine

  3. Soul on Fire looks great, I think I will give the books a try myself as well.
    Happy reading!

    My haul

  4. Enjoy your vacation time. :) And you new books too. Congrats on the gift card.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  5. Enjoy your vacation. I am nearing the end of mine. I didn't know Laura Anne Gilman had another book. I'll have to add it to my wishlist. Come see what I got this week at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  6. Have a great vacation! Enjoy and have a great week!

  7. Soul of Fire looks good, hope that you enjoy

  8. Enjoy your books! And your time away....and thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Wow. You sound like me all exhausted, like! I cannot wait to read the Gilman book. It just looked so amazing.

    Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader

  10. Enjoy your vacation and best of luck with the start of school! I know; I always used to be exhausted the first few weeks, too, until I got back into the rhythm of it. (I taught at a private school for a while.)

    And have fun using that gift certificate! :-)

  11. Oh man, I could SO use a gift card, I have a million books I'm dying for that release this summer/fall. I bet you're going to have a blast using it!
    Enjoy your vacation! I can't believe it's about time for school to start up again!

    I didn't know you were an editor for Astraea press. I'm doing a tour for an author published with the.

  12. Enjoy your vacation! :D Hope you have a relaxing week. And enjoy all your reads. :)

  13. Relax it up girl!! You deserve it!! Nice haul, and have fun spending the GC!

    Here's My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  14. "excerpts from books with breast fondling" ...uhh what? LOL that really cracked me up!
    You can read my Sunday Post here

  15. Uhmmmm...some really odd search strings there! Enjoy your new reads!

  16. Love gift cards and look at all those great books! Enjoy!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!