Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Book Share #47


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

Last week was incredibly stressful. I had an author go ballistic on me over a negative review of her book (and claimed I lied about how I acquired my copy of the book) and her cronies were stalking my Amazon and goodreads review of the book. I haven't heard anything more in 48 hours and there hasn't been any more activity on those reviews so maybe it's done. Dealing with all that crap wore me out. I also had a lot of doctors appointments so it was one thing after another. I hope this week will be better.

On to the good stuff!

The Week In Review


Odd or interesting search phrases for the blog: "how to catch a cat", "how to trap a cat", "australia authors erotica excerpts", "moonlight's team bea", "pancake cat i regret nothing" as well as several variations on people looking for spoilers for "Magic Rises"

The Upcoming Week: 

Review of Making It Last by Ruthie Knox
Review of Hot Shot by Julie Garwood 
Guest Post by Ruthie Knox
Excerpt from A Deadly Truth by Joyce Proell
Excerpt from Burn on the Western Slope by Angela Smith
Excerpt from Cast the Cards by Shyla Colt
Q& A with Susan Mallery
Giveaway of Making It Last by Ruthie Knox


Bought - Kindle

Kindle Freebies

Only one and it's the fault of Anna at Herding Cats, Burning Soup. She's a bad influence. :P

Review Consideration - Print

From Meryl L. Moss Media

And what mischief are YOU up to this week? 


  1. Bwaha I am. I really am. But I can't even say I'm sorry because look at that yummy bit of man. LOL

    Sorry you had such a rough week blog-wise Bea. It really amazes me sometimes the things people will do. I can understand being upset about a negative review but that's just not at all acceptable behavior. Hope this week goes a bit better for ya!

    1. I'm a sucker for military books and that cover, yeah. Yummy indeed!

      I was blindsided by the attack and then I was just pissed off. Professionalism is a good thing. :)

      Thanks hon!

  2. Bea that is awful, but we all get them. I bought a book after someone raved about it in a B&N forum and it was a 3.00 ebook so I bought it, read it and it was one of my first reviews on the blog. I gave it a 2. It was all tell not show and just awful but the premise was good. Well the author commented on my review in GR and thanked me for my honest review and I thought, gee that was nice...since then she and her cronies have bugged me repeatedly to reread book, posted comments that I didn't understand book etc. It's been 2 yrs and I just got an email asking me to reconsider my rating. My not engage with them. {{hugs}}
    I love your haul and all those wonderful covers!

    1. I haven't engaged with her but some of the shit she's thrown my way, ugh. Show some professionalism, please. I'm sorry your author is still giving you a hard time, that's wrong.

  3. oh and the person who raved about the book on B&N...was the author, she used same social icon on all of her social media sites!

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your week Bea! that is terrible author behavior :(

    A wonderful book haul! I am a big fan on Bella Andre so I'm looking forward to seeing what you think.

    I hope this week is better for you x Happy reading.

    1. Thanks Sharon :)

      I'm rapidly becoming a fan of Andre's and keep adding books by her.

  5. Awe, that's is awful. {hugs} I hope everything is alright health wise. Hopefully next week will be better. Enjoy your haul.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  6. I am embarrassed on behalf of all authors who are gracious and do not behave this way! Like Kimba said: not engaging is the best way.

    Enjoy your week!


    1. Yes, it's authors such as her who give all authors a bad name.

  7. Nice haul. Happy reading :)


  8. Oh man, I hope everything calms down and STAYS calmed down for you. It's not cool for anyone to call you out on your reviews and to harass you.
    Hopefully you enjoy you new reads,
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  9. Oh my gosh, how stressful dealing with an author like that! Hopefully this week will be a lot better.

    Anyway, I love Caps for Sale. And I should really check out Bella Andre. I've seen her books around the blogosphere lately. I'm curious. Anyway, enjoy all your goodies and happy reading :)

    1. I had to have Caps for Sale on my kindle. I can use it in the classroom and the price was right. :)

      Bella's been doing a lot of PR this summer for her books, including a big blog tour, so it does seem as if she's everywhere.

  10. Sorry that you week was so stressful. I hope everything settles down. I love Bella Andre's books. Enjoy reading it. Come see what I got at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

    1. Bella's books are easy reads, nice and light. :)

  11. Wishing you a better week next week. Enjoy your new reads!

  12. So rotten that you had to go through the stress. I'm actually going to stop accepting author request on my blog, unless I've worked with them in the past or it's someone I know I'll love. Have a better week, on the blog and in life!

    1. Yeah, I need to get choosier about who I work with.

      Thanks, you have a good week too!

  13. Sorry to hear about the author stress, that's just crazy. Hope your new week is better! Got a kick out of yout Cat 10 Commandments, how true!

    1. Heh heh That poster is very accurate and makes me laugh too.

  14. Oh my goodness, sorry that you had to go through that! I hate it when that happens, but don't worry, we're here to support you. (:
    I hope you can read something sometime again!

    My STS

    1. Thanks Kelly, it's much appreciated.

      I read a book today that was fantastic but even if it weren't the author is a pro and doesn't react to negative reviews. :)

  15. Sorry about the week you had and hope that this one is better. You have some great books, enjoy!
    Cricket@ Little Library Muse

  16. Caps for sale looks terribly interesting. I may have to go look for that one!

    Sorry to hear that you had an author behaving badly. There has been a lot of that, and a lot of bloggers behaving badly, going around lately and it just makes me sad.

    Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

  17. Oh Bea, that's not nice to deal with an author like that. You are entitled to your opinion.
    You have picked up some great books! Enjoy them!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  18. Bea, you gave an honest opinion on a book. We all sometimes have authors go ballistic on us. Its part of blogging at times, the thing is not to let it get to you. You got some great books this week.

    Books of Love

  19. How awful, Bea! I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    I hope this week is better for you.

  20. So sorry you had that happen with the review. As an author, I can say it's never fun to get a negative review, but it goes with the business. Two people can read the same book and give polar opposite views. Hope this week is better for you :)

  21. I'm sorry you had such a rough week - I'm so new to book blogging that I didn't realize all that went on and then this week- whoa! I'm hearing about it constantly. Don't let it get you too down :-(

    Berls @ Fantasy Is More Fun
    My Sunday Post

  22. I'm a little late to the party here; I'm still catching up after a busy weekend. I'm so sorry to hear about your rough week, Bea. I hope this week goes better for you. I'm looking forward to your Susan Mallery Q&A -- I just finished her new Fool's Gold book, that comes out today (Tuesday.)

    BTW, I love how you post the search terms on Sundays! They're always interesting. "Australia authors erotica excerpts"?? Mine are usually pretty boring. Most of them are some variation on "Discovery of Witches Movie", because I did a post on that last year. (No, there isn't one yet, but it's in development.)


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