Monday, July 29, 2013

Quote-Tastic #13 I'm At Least 90 Percent Coc*

Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup has created a new weekly meme. Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed ya for one reason or another. 

Everyone's welcome to join in. Authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier!

Just grab the button and toss up your post :) 

Want to join along? Click on the link above. Leave me a link in your comment and I will check out your quotes! Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.

I love Ruthie Knox's romance books; they're hot, sweet and funny. This one, "Making It Last", had me in tears for most of the book. It was a heartbreaker fore sure. In the quote below, Amber and her husband Tony are playing a game, pretending to be strangers named Jennifer and Steve and flirting outrageously with each other. They're trying to bring the magic back to their marriage. This is one of the rare humorous moments in the story; most of it was gut-wrenching and I read it one sitting.

Later today, my review will be up and there will also be a guest post by Ruthie and a giveaway so be sure to come back!

"Your nipples are hard."

"That wasn't innuendo. And you're not supposed to notice."

"I'm supposed to notice. I'm just not supposed to say."

"Either way. You're not very good at this."

"I hardly ever get complaints."

That made her smile. "You're so cocky, Steve. It's lucky for you that I've always had a thing for cocky men."

"I'm at least ninety percent cock, Jennifer."

If you love contemporary romance, you NEED to read Ruthie. She is amazing.


  1. Sounds as though Steve has been buying busloads of those supplements.

    1. Snort. No, he's flirting, rather outrageously. :D

  2. LOL I'd so laugh if someone said that to me. I love it though :) I just won this book (already have my tissues pulled out) and can't wait to read it.

  3. You will need the tissues, lots and lots of tissues.

  4. OMG, I almost spit water all over my keyboard reading that last line. Sounds like a great story!

  5. oh lordy, that made me giggle! I'm definitely going to read this! :)

  6. Funny cocky man.


  7. haha cocky man!! Geez this sounds fun! I haven't read Ruthie before, but it's definitely on my radar now!

  8. As I am sure you read the rest, is Steve accurate about that 90%?

    1. Heh heh heh You'll just have to read and find out. :P

  9. Wow, that's a pretty hot pick! I'm going to have to add this book to my TBR ASAP!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!