Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Book Share #41


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs. 

It's Father's Day here in the US. I'll call my dad later and talk to him. Do you have any plans?

I really need life to slow down soon. I fell asleep on the couch every night last week. Mr. Crankypants was quite the fusspot last week; I swear he's only happy when he's fussing and squawking. It's like Chinese water torture, lol. It didn't help that it was a cool, rainy week. I swear I live for French Toast Fridays when we make French Toast for afternoon snack. Nom nom nom. Because I was so busy with both my jobs and daily life and because I was so tired, I got little reading done. :(  But I did make a facebook page for the blog! If you're on facebook, go give it a like and say hi. 

The Week In Review


Odd or interesting search phrases for the blog: "beas of sex" well, I do sometimes have erotic romances on here :D ; "bdsm dominanz", again, I do have the occasional erotica but still...; "how to catch a cat" and "dear cat diary" are still popular :) ; "acrobats as letters of the alphabet" I'm pretty sure that's related to a children's alphabet book I reviewed. Also popular were "ruthie knox chat" and "flirting with disaster ruthie knox".

Upcoming Week

Cover reveal for Black Arts by Faith Hunter
Cover Reveal for Heist by Laura Pauling
Review of The Look of Love by Bella Andre
Review of Aboard the Wishing Star by Debra Parmley
Review of If the World Were a Village by David J. Smith
Read-a-Long for Remember The Stars by Natalie-Nicole Bates   tour has been cancelled
Excerpt from Love Flourishes by Lynn Spangler
Excerpt from The Seduction of Esther by Jennifer Wilck
Quick Q&A with Bella Andre



Kindle Freebies

Don't forget to leave a link to your share post so I can visit. Have a good week!


  1. You were a busy Bea this week! The Final Arrangement looks cute. I'm off to check out your review of The Diabolist, which I missed.

    1. Yeah, still busy. I need to get better at saying 'no'. :D

  2. Oh, and congratulations on the Facebook page!

  3. I picked up Belle Andre, too! I wanted to try her writing out so it was a great chance.

    And I'm there with you on falling asleep on the couch every night!!! Put the boy to sleep, crawled up on the couch and promptly snoozed. Oh well... Looks like you're not slowing down yet ;). Hope you get sunshine this week!!!!

    1. No, not much slowing down yet but I'm getting there.

      So far, I'm not loving Bella Andre but I'm not far in so maybe that will change. I hope you enjoy it.

  4. So many awesome books. Bella Andre writes awesome books. Great haul of books. Come visit me as well.


  5. Great books! I love Kindle freebies :D I hope you enjoy all of your books. Happy reading.

    My SS:

  6. Ooh hunting down the Bella Andre book now..LOL We all go through weeks like that, and for some strange reason I am craving french toast *giggles* Have a great week! The Sunday Post

  7. Nice haul this week. Enjoy them. I'm off to check out the Facebook page. :)

  8. Great group of books! I love French toast. We had that this morning! Enjoy your week!

  9. I'm with Kimba, I'm definitely craving French toast now. :D And I'm off to check out your new FB page.
    Oh, I worked with Bella Andre a few months ago, she's lovely :) Hope you enjoy the book!

  10. LOL Now I have people craving French Toast. Sorry!

  11. Wow. You've been busy and have a great week to come! Hope you enjoy all your reads. :)

  12. A nice haul! I'm a big fan of Bella Andre so One Perfect Night instantly caught my eye & I love kindle freebies!

    Have a great week & happy reading :)

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

  13. Great haul, Bea. Ha - love those search terms. Hope next week isn't so busy for you.

  14. Wow.... You certainly have been busy!! Great haul! Not fathers day here in Aus until September! Hope your Dad had a great day!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!