Monday, June 17, 2013

Quote-Tastic #7

Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup has created a new weekly meme. Want to join along?

  Click on the link above. Anna is posting hers on Mondays, as am I, but you can choose any day of the week that works for you. Leave me a link in your comment and I will check out your quotes!

Today's quote is from "Flirting with Disaster" by Ruthie Knox. It had lots of of good quotes, it was hard to choose just one. Katie has just come back from an unsatisfying sexual encounter and is talking to her coworker Sean.

Katie didn't pause to consider her response. "Either I'm terminally unfuckable, or that man is gay." This time, when the smile came, it crept up on her slowly, and it made it surprisingly difficult for her to pull enough air into her lungs. "Sweetheart," Sean said, "you are the farthest thing from terminally unfuckable I can possibly imagine." That was when she knew for sure that Sean wasn't flirting with her. Sean was coming on to her.



  1. Oh I like. How funny. I've had Ruthie on my tbr pile for ages. I keep hearing how great her books are and need to break down and just make time to read one. Thanks for sharing!

  2. lol - nice quote! Yeah, I'd say that was a come on.

  3. Heck yeah, nice quote! Ruthie Knox is such an awesome person, I got to email with her a while ago (like a year) Her books are terrific, I haven't read this one tho!

    1. She is really nice; we talk sometimes on Twitter.

  4. I have at least one Ruthie Knox book in my TBR books. I guess I should find it!

    (I moved my blog to WordPress last week and I'm having some problems signing in so I may show up as anonymous. This is something I'm trying to figure out!)

    Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic

  5. I loved this book--Ruthie always writes such fun and sexy books, always with unique characters or story lines. Great quote!



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