Monday, June 17, 2013

Cover Reveal for Black Arts by Faith Hunter

"Black Arts" is the seventh book in Hunter's Jane Yellowrock series. Jane Yellowrock is a Harley-riding, leather-wearing, vampire killing machine behind her church-schooled manners. Her motto – Have Stakes, Will Travel – is succinct and to the point. She’s currently the Enforcer for the Master of the City, MOC, of the Southeastern US (except for Florida), Leo Pellisier, hunting down rogue vamps and other threats to mankind. She’s very much an introvert, but learning to work with others. She’s a Cherokee Skinwalker, in a day and age when Skinwalkers are no longer remembered, and her past is a mystery, even to her.
Start with "Skinwalker", and continue with "Blood Cross", "Mercy Blade", "Raven Cursed", "Death’s Rival", "Blood Trade", and soon, "Black Arts". "Black Arts" will be released January 7th, 2014.

Faith Hunter, fantasy writer, was born in Louisiana and raised all over the south. Her Jane Yellowrock urban fantasy series features a Harley-riding, leather-wearing, Cherokee-Skinwalker vampire killing machine. Faith's Rogue Mage novels - "Bloodring", "Seraphs", and "Host" - feature Thorn St. Croix, a stone mage in a post-apocalyptic, alternate reality, urban fantasy world, and is the basis for the Rogue Mage roleplaying game. And under the pen name Gwen Hunter, she writes action-adventure, mysteries, and thrillers. Altogether, Faith/Gwen has 20+ books in print in 28 countries. 
Find Faith Hunter online:

And now, the cover!

Now does that look like a woman you want to mess with? I wouldn't. 


  1. That is an awesome cover. She looks a badass!

  2. I definitely wouldn't want to mess with her! Or Beast!!

  3. It's so refreshing to see a woman of color on the cover! No, I woudn't mess with her; she looks like she knows what she is doing.

    1. Jane is Native American and that's one of the things I like about this series. It's a good change from all the white characters we usually get.

  4. Very bad ass, but it looks like a very different face from the other covers, don't you think?


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