Saturday, June 8, 2013

Help Rebuild Moore, Oklahoma's School Libraries

I get a ton of promo emails every week and most never make it onto the blog. But this one is for school libraries, which hits two of my buttons (kids and libraries) and will benefit Oklahoma which has been badly hit by Mother Nature this spring. I'm not familiar with Capstone Young but I've seen ads for their books in PW so I'm hoping their legit.

From their press release:
Help Rebuild Oklahoma's School Libraries
Buy a Book, Give a Book

In light of the horrible tornadoes that devastated the city of Moore, Oklahoma, Capstone Young Readers is lending its support to help the town recover and rebuild. For every book purchased on, Capstone Young Readers will donate a book of equal value to help rebuild the school libraries in Moore, Oklahoma.

Simply enter the code MooreRelief in the promotion field when you checkout at

When the schools in Moore are ready to receive new books, Capstone Young Readers will send a shipment of books to fill the school libraries.


  1. I appreciate your posting this. It's always hard to know how to help after a disaster like the one in Moore. I mean, I can donate to the Red Cross or something, but this is another way to help out, and one that is close to my heart. I will definitely look at Capstone's books.

    1. It can be hard to know how to help. I like this has a specific focus and one that's not likely to get much help otherwise.


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