Sunday, June 9, 2013

Apple Crisp Recipe - Guest Post by Author Peg Cochran

"Steamed to Death" is a cozy mystery that just came out on the fourth of this month and as part of her blog tour, Peg has shared a recipe for apple crisp. If I baked, I'd bake this in a heartbeat though I'd have to leave out the cinnamon as I'm severely, call 911 and take me to the ER, allergic. Before we get to the recipe, let's talk a little about the author, Peg Cochran.

Peg grew up in a New Jersey suburb about 25 miles outside of New York City. After college, she moved to the city where she managed an art gallery owned by the son of the artist Henri Matisse. When her first daughter, Francesca, arrive, the new family moved back to the New Jersey suburbs where her second daughter, Annabelle, was born.

After her husband died, Peg remarried and her new husband took a job in Grand Rapids, Michigan where they now live (on exile from New Jersey, she likes to joke). Peg managed to segue from the art world to marketing and is now the manager of marketing communications for a company that provides services to seniors.

Her greatest love though as always been writing – particularly mysteries! She has two cozy mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime: The Gourmet De-Lite series set in Connecticut and featuring Gigi Fitzgerald, who provides gourmet diet meals to a select group of clients, and the Sweet Nothings Vintage Lingerie series, written as Meg London, set in Paris, Tennessee with Emma Taylor who finds murder and mayhem in this quiet country town.

As for pets – she has a schizophrenic cat (really!) named Frazzle and a Westhighland White Terrier, Reggie, who is desperately in need of losing a few pounds. But you know what they say: If your dog is overweight, it means YOU aren’t getting enough exercise!

When she’s not writing, Peg can usually be found cooking, which she loves. When asked to bring a dish to a potluck she invariably opts to bring dessert – partly because she loves making sweet dishes and partly because she and her husband always manage to be late so there’s no point in putting them in charge of appetizers!

Find Peg Online:

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Apple Crisp Recipe

This recipe for apple crisp comes from my husband’s aunt “Toofy” (her nickname from childhood--her pronunciation of “toothy”) via his sister Jane.  It’s right up there as one of his favorite desserts. 

6 -8 apples, peeled, quartered and cored (depending on size)
1 cup sugar*
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp cinnamon
Place apples in greased baking dish.  Mix other ingredients by hand or in food processor until it resembles corn meal.  Pack over apples and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour. 

* I like to use a combination of half brown sugar and half white.   

Now doesn't that sound easy? Even I could manage that, minus the evil, deadly spice . :D ~ Bea


Publisher: Berkley
Format: ebook, paperback
Series: Gourmet De-Lite Mystery #2
Release Date: June 4, 2013
Buying Links:  Amazon* | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository*
*affiliate links; clicking and making a purchase will result in a small commission for the blog.
Blurb from goodreads:
Gourmet health food caterer Gigi Fitzgerald is used to helping dieters drop a dress size. But when her clients start dropping dead, she’s ready to switch her chef’s hat for a detective’s cap and track down a killer. . .
Aging soap star Felicity Davenport is looking to revamp her image, and she’s using Gigi’s Gourmet De-Lite to help her shed a few of those unwanted pounds. Having such a high-profile client is definitely good for business, but when Felicity is found murdered in her sauna, things start getting too hot for Gigi to handle.
The list of suspects is a mile long, and Gigi’s best friend, Sienna, is at the top. Refusing to let her friend get blamed for a crime she didn’t commit, Gigi is determined to hunt down the real killer. But, as the case reaches a boiling point, Gigi will have to be careful or she could be the next one getting burned.



  1. I am so in love with Cozy Mystery covers...honestly of all genres out there...they are the only ones that make me want to skip the straight to the store and immerse myself into that world!

  2. I had no idea someone could be allergic to cinnamon! I use a peanut allergy as a murder weapon in my first in the series ALLERGIC TO DEATH, but now I can see there's an alternative for a book down the line...(evil giggle here). PEG

    1. I saw that book and the title caught my eye immediately. :D Being allergic to cinnamon is a real nuisance; do you have any idea how many foods contain cinnamon? Ugh. I can't even eat apple pie anymore. :( If you write a book using cinnamon to kill off someone, I will definitely read it. :D

  3. Love the apple crisp recipe! I must try that soon. And I'm so sorry you're allergic to cinnamon. You're right, it's in a lot of foods. I really feel for you.

    As for the book, it looks like fun, and I'll keep an eye out for it. I think I might enjoy Peg's other series even more, though. Vintage lingerie? Cool.

    1. That series sounds fun too. :)

      Yeah a cinnamon allergy is a nuisance. Avoidance requires constant vigilance.

  4. I loved that book! The recipe sounds yummy!

  5. It'll be fall before we know it! :D

  6. YUMMY!! Can't wait for Fall and Apple Picking!


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