Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Book Share #38


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

Summer! Gray, rainy, cool summer. If I didn't know better, I'd think I lived in the Northwest instead of the Northeast region of the US. :D Since I'm actually not fond of high temps or humidity, I don't mind the mild weather but I wouldn't mind a little more sun and dryness. :D It's a three day weekend here in the US and the unofficial start of the holiday season. I'm also not a beach person so summer for me means making sure to put on sunscreen before heading work and running the A/C in my third floor condo. Well, I also run the A/C because of my asthma and allergies; throw in the heat and humidity and my A/C will be going non-stop until about October, when ragweed season ends. I am enjoying having more hours of sunlight and the fresh veggies and fruits. 

Mr. Crankypants was a little calmer last week, with fewer tantrums and they lasted only 45 minutes or less. But Jaws kept us from getting too comfortable. Toddlers and biting go together naturally and this toddler is all of a sudden biting, often and casually. In one two hour period, she got another toddler, an infant and two teachers (she's also biting her family at home). We have implemented action plans for both children and are already seeing results. I love working with young children but they do keep my on my toes!

The Week In Review

Odd and Unusual Search Phrases Leading to the Blog: Nothing too interesting this time around, "how to catch a cat" is still popular and a new one, "what happens at bea book tour".
Clean Sweep ARC Challenge: I read two for the week; The Farm by Emily McKay and Eliza's Forever Trees by Stephanie Lisa Tara.

The Upcoming Week 

Reviews - These are tentative; Different Dragons edited by Dana Bell

Blog Tours - Excerpt & Giveaway from South of Surrender by Laura Kaye
Excerpt from Moonlight: The Big Bad Wolf by Victoria Danann
Spotlight on First (Wrong) Impression by Krista D. Ball
Spotlight & Giveaway of Blade Dance by Danica St. Como
Interview with author James Ramsey & Giveaway of Andromeda Rising
 Guest Post from Robyn Grady, author of The Goddess


Bought - Kindle

Won - Kindle

I won these from the author in a blog hop.

Kindle Freebies

Heh, yes I had a good week with the freebies. :)

I hope you're enjoying your weekend; don't forget to leave me a link so I can visit you. :)


  1. Oohh you got some Kindle Freebies that I hadn't gotten before.Great haul of books.


  2. I feel the same way about the summer and the humidity. I live in the Northeast too. I don't mind the cool weather, but I hate the rains we had all day today. I think tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be nice. I hope so, it's a holiday :)

    1. I really hope so; all the gray is getting me down. Though it is perfect reading weather. :)

  3. I babysat a toddler who took to biting, and sadly the parents were not at all supportive and I had to stop, hope things work out. Watching looks interesting and I love all the covers with smooching. I have been reading romances all weekend, maybe because I am recovering from being sick, but I am enjoying them. Have a great weekend Bea!

    1. Romances are good books to read when you aren't feeling well, indulge! And feel better.

  4. Missed you, Bea!!! So sorry about the crappy weather! We returned to UK and are just having the first 2 days of decent sunshine here, otherwise they are telling us it has been very crappy here too :(

    Toddlers are definitely keeping you on your toes, they never stop like they have unlimited amount of energy :)
    Enjoy all your reads, darling! and well done on Clean Sweep!

    1. WOO! You're back! *squishy hugs*

      Toddlers are lots of fun but they are exhausting too. I wish I had their energy.

  5. Some very interesting looking freebies there, I will have to check some of them out.
    Watching has a great looking cover too, looks promising.
    Great haul, enjoy :)

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

    1. I haven't read Calle before but I have high hopes. :)

  6. Looks like you had an interesting week. I like the looks of some of your freebies but am going to resist going to get them myself until I can see over the top of my TBR mountain. Please come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  7. Drawing the line looks good, Hope you enjoy, Brandi’s mailbox

  8. Oh, wow, that is one thing luckily my kids didn't do was bite. Hopefully ya'll can get everything all worked out soon. Enjoy your new books and your weekend.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, you too.

      The toddlers will settle down, we just have to guide them and help them develop better coping skills.

  9. Shoppe of Spells looks interesting! I finally figured out how to download the Kindle app to my PC and download books to read offline, so I can now join the ranks of people snapping up Kindle freebies. ;-)

    You had a busy week, both blogwise and familially. I hope your toddler soon learns that biting is a no-no! Thankfully, that's a challenge I didn't face, but raising children is always full of surprises and challenges... and is so very worth it!

    1. Oh, the toddlers aren't relatives; they're my students. I'm a toddler teacher.

      My first kindle was the kindle app and I still use it sometimes. Have fun with the freebies!

  10. Wow look how busy! Whew. What a week! Very nice on the freebies. I can't wait to read Kimberly's novella. And the Dee Adams one. So glad I stopped by. I shared it a long while back when it was free but some friends missed it at the time so I just got to share it with them. Yay! Thank ya!!

    1. It was your FB post that lured me into checking out Kincaid's story, you PIMP you!! :D

  11. Hmmmm.... I understand how kids can be a bit troubling at times! My youngest is 3, and he got cranky and slammed the door today. 20 minutes later he's out the front.... climbed out the window!!

    Anyway... little ramble... looks like you will be busy reading and blogging!! Have fun!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  12. I'm also wondering where the warm weather feels more like Autumn than Spring! Have a great week!

  13. Big week for you last week and to come. Lots of lovely new additions as well.

    I was rather late getting my post up. Was away all weekend. :) Hope you have a great week this week.

  14. It sounds like you've had lots of good books and reading!

    I hope the weather gets a little nicer in the Northeast. I also hope the behavior of Mr. Crankypants and Jaws continues to improve! Have a good time.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!