Monday, May 27, 2013

Quote-Tastic #4

Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup has created a new weekly meme. Want to join along?

  Click on the link above. Anna is posting hers on Mondays, as am I, but you can choose any day of the week that works for you. Leave me a link in your comment and I will check out your quotes!

I'm reading  I just finished "Bad to the Bone" by Jeri Smith-Ready and it has lots of good quotes. This one reminded me of an incident with a pie I made for Thanksgiving many years ago so I decided to use it. Enjoy! And no, I wasn't the one doing the bleeding. :D

I spend Thanksgiving Day cutting myself. Not on purpose, like Jeremy, or like that friend I had in high school. Since I have no flair for cooking, David has put me to scullery work in his kitchen. Ciara, peel this. Ciara, slice that. "This" ends up being my index finger, and "that" turns out to be my left thumb. There's enough blood in the candied yams to make it a part of any vampire's complete breakfast.


  1. Eeeeeowww! Sympathy pains over here. LOL I get myself every once in a bit while I'm cooking. Thank goodness not too often though a frozen bagel a couple years back almost had me headed to the er to get my hand fixed up. I still have a nice little scar on the pad of my hand from trying to pry the thing in half. lol Loved the quote Bea!

  2. hahaha!! Yes, I've had cooking experiences like that! Great quote :)

  3. I love that cover & the title! Nice quote :)

  4. You know, that author sounds really familiar. Like I might have read something by her a long time ago. I needs must get to doing some research... *pondering* Have I lost an author somewhere along the way?

    1. She has several different series and has been published for about twelve years so it's possible. We all have authors who get lost in the shuffle.


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