Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Book Share #32

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs. 

It was a crazy busy week with both jobs and the blog and this week won't be much calmer though the blog will be a bit lighter. One nice thing this past week was my birthday. That was even the theme of my Cat Thursday meme post. :D I had a good day and last night I got together with friends for dinner. Even the cat was nice to me. :D

The Week In Review


Odd and popular search phrases: Still popular are "and seclusion" and "how to catch a cat" :D A new one is "emilys feet" Not a clue :D

Coming Up This Week

Blog Tours - Book Blast & GC Giveaway for Moonlit by Jadie Jones (it has a gorgeous cover!)
Spotlight with Giveaway for Eight-Eight Keys by Catherine Lavender

Reviews - Prophecy Girl by Cecily White
Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf Volume Two by Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence, Todd Herman and Jenny Frison


Bought - Kindle

Only $3.99 for the Kindle version and it's DRM free. :)

Review - Kindle

I read and enjoyed the first two books in this series so when he asked if I would be interested in book three of course I said yes!

Review - Print

Leave a link so I can visit you. I didn't do well last week visiting blogs; I'll try to do better this week.


  1. I'm reviewing Prophecy Girl this week too. :) Happy belated birthday!!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks! I'll try to stop by and visit your review.

  2. Happy belated birthday! I do hope you get at least some down time this up coming week. I should really try to get back into the Morganville series, I got to book three and just stopped reading them.

    I hope you enjoy your new reads!
    My Sunday Post

    1. Down time, yeah, there won't be much of that this week, but thanks for the thought. :)

      I started the MOrganville books at about book 9, I think it was. :D I was a little confused but not so much that I didn't enjoy it.

  3. I'm behind on the last two Kitty books, Bea, so I'd have to catch up! ;) Lovely book haul, my dear and enjoy your birthday get together! *hugs*

    1. I'm a couple books behind in the Kitty series too but I couldn't pass up the price on this one. :D

      I had a wonderful time at my birthday get together and I didn't get a hangover! LOL

  4. Nice haul. I so need to get a copy of Prophecy Girl. Great haul of books BEA.

  5. Happy Birthday Bea...hmm aren't we friends on Facebook? Cause I would have seen you had a BD. Find me and friend me if ya want (kimberly costa) I so want to read the Briggs book! The Sunday Post

    1. No, not yet, but I'll look you up. I do follow your blog on FB.

  6. You had an awesome haul this week! I just love Patricia Briggs!! :) Happy Reading!!!
    New follower via bloglovin! My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

    1. Patty Briggs is one of my favorite authors, she's just awesome. :)

  7. Yay, glad you had a good birthday and that even the cat co-operated! :-D Good looking books there too - I really need to try Patricia Briggs at some point, keep hearing how amazing her books are!

  8. Hey! Looks like you've been and will be busy. :) Hope you have a great week!

    And I have a Sunday Post up if you'd like to stop by...

  9. Two jobs and a blog? Wow, I'll say you're busy! How on earth do you do it? Looks like you've got a good week planned, too.

    Happy birthday, and I hope things are a little less crazy-busy this week!

  10. Happy Birthday!

    I know that busy feeling. It's so hard when you have a job outside the house, a blog and reviews.

    I have the Layton Green book on my Kindle for review. I enjoyed the previous ones and I'm sure I'll like this too when I finally get around to reading it.

    Have a great week!

  11. My odd search phrase this week was "vampire prince slave romance stories," lol. Happy Birthday!


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