Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review of Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf: Volume Two by Patricia Briggs, et al.

Publisher: InkLit
Writers: Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence
Illustrators: Todd Herman, Jenny Frison
Series: Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf
Format Read: Hardcover Graphic Novel
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon  Barnes & Noble  The Book Depository

Blurb from Amazon:
 A world of shapeshifting wolves comes vividly to life in this collection of four comics based on Cry Wolf, the first book in Patricia Briggs’s #1 New York Times bestselling Alpha and Omega series.

Charles and Anna are on the hunt for a rogue werewolf in the Montana mountains. The creature has morphed into something so dark that it kills everything in its path: deer, elk, grizzlies…humans.

But the wolf is the creature of something far more powerful. One of Charles and Anna’s own pack harbors a centuries-old secret that has come back to haunt him—and wreak vengeance on those around him.

Charles and Anna—unaware of the truth—are two innocents who stand in the way. But even as members of their pack rally around them, Anna’s rare power comes into its own—and is unleashed…

Bea's Thoughts: 

I gobbled this up as soon as I got it then I pulled out volume 1 and re-read them both, back to back. I reviewed volume 1 back in October. I'm still not thrilled with the art but at least in volume 1, Charles looked like an American Indian while in volume two he looks white. It's the same illustrator so I don't know why his look would change so dramatically but it was disappointing. Additionally, his wolf looks drastically different and Anna's freckles disappeared. As before, the facial expressions are someties odd and Anna's arms have a tendency to be extra-long and skinny, like a Gumby doll. Despite that, the art as a whole works with the text and moves the story along. The colors are gorgeous and the shading is at times exquisite. 

The story moves along quickly and is a good adaptation of the novel. As always, there have been cuts. I particularly miss the scene back at Charles's house where Charles and Bran are talking and we don't get Anna's family at the wedding nor do we get the hunt after the bonding ceremony. But, the story ends with a nice tribute to Walter, who was one of my favorite characters. We also get a brief flashback scene of Bran's mother who is one mean-looking, and just plain mean, woman. 

There a a few panels where, if you haven't read the original book, you may be confused but overall, this volume and its predecessor work well as a cohesive story that can be read independently of the book. I enjoyed reading, and re-reading it.


  1. Charles and Anna sound great to read about, glad you enjoyed

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed this for the most part - you expressed many of the reasons why I have trouble with graphic novels. Continuity problems really bother me, especially when they follow an established series with characters who already have a persona. An oy, Anna does have some seriously long arms!

    Great review!

  3. Interesting. I've never read a graphic novel based on a series I've read. I think I'd probably have a hard time with it because of things like his not appearing right. And how odd the graphics changed so much and it's the same author. I do love the series. Might browse these if I ever spot them in real life :)

    herding cats & burning soup

  4. Wow, gobbled it did you. :) I've heard great things about this author in all she does. :) Thank you!


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