Thursday, February 28, 2013

Guest Post & Excerpt: A Very Russian Christmas by Krystal Shannan

I know, I know, Christmas was several months ago but there's nothing wrong with making the holiday spirit last.  "A Very Russian Christmas" by Krystal Shannan was released in December, before Christmas, and is an erotic romantic suspense and we know how I love romantic suspense. Today I have a short guest post from Krystal and an excerpt from the book. Read on and enjoy!

About the Author:

Krystal Shannan lives in Texas with her husband and young daughter. She teaches in the public schools and writes as much as she can in her free time. If any more spare time can be squeezed from her day, she enjoys reading romance in all genres, but especially paranormal. In addition to a doting husband and a spunky daughter, a stubborn Welsh Corgi completes the household, adding hours of entertainment and fun to their lives.

Connect with Krystal Shannan:



Book Blurb ~

For most of her adult life, bodyguards have shadowed Ksenia Sharanov, daughter of a Russian mobster. Her one serious relationship left her broken hearted when she learned he only sought her father’s power and money.

A ski vacation with her college roommates ends on a terrifying note. Her father’s enemies have been following her more closely than anyone could have anticipated. The mistake will cost a life…but will it cost her heart? Or will she find love in the arms of a complete stranger?

Matt O’Reilly, a retired Marine, generally keeps to himself. Working as a deputy in a small country sheriff’s office, provides just enough seclusion for him to cut himself off from his family’s pity and the heartache of losing his wife. He never thought love would be in the books for him again. Will the sudden arrival of a spunky dark-haired Russian beauty change his mind?

Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains explicit sex scenes and/or situations and adult language which may be considered offensive to some readers.
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Genre: Romance, Erotica, Suspense
Format: ebook
Release Date: December 7, 2012
Buying Links:  Amazon   Barnes & Noble  Decadent  Smashwords  ARe



Too much vodka.
Ksenia Sharanov groaned and rolled over on the downy comforter covering the huge king-sized bed in her room. Last night had turned into a lopsided game of “I’ve never.” Stupid game. Her roomies, Kate, Maria, and Patti quickly figured out she’d never done a lot of things and turned the game on her. Morning was not a close friend, and a pounding headache was helping her greet the rising sun.

Usually, she spent her whole winter break with her dad, but he’d had some last minute business to deal with. No need to ask what business dared interrupt their winter holiday. The daughter of a Russian mobster just nodded and moved on with life. And she always did. Top of her class in computer science and engineering at NYU, Ksenia kept as much distance as possible between herself and Papa’s business. Even so, he’d still assigned a trusted friend, Yuri Borodin, as a permanent bodyguard. Yuri wasn’t so bad though. He gave her space when needed, and she’d barely noticed him around the lodge. Her roommates didn’t seem to care either. He was her driver as well as her bodyguard, making him a very familiar face.

Ksenia sat up, stretching her arms above her head until the joints popped. She slid out of bed, walked to the window, and pulled back the curtains. The snow-covered mountains around the Denver ski lodge were breathtaking. The morning sun reflected through the fluffy white clouds, creating long rays of light.

A knock at the door made her turn.

“Sen? Are you awake?”

“Coming, Patti.” She left the scenic view to open her bedroom door.

Patti, one of Ksenia’s three college roommates, strolled into the suite—petite, blonde, and a live-wire business marketing major.

Ksenia laughed. “Why are you so perky? You know we have to leave today.”

“I know.” Patti waved a dismissive hand. “You know that cute banker, Bryan, flirted with me all week. He asked for my number this morning.” Squealing commenced and Ksenia winced at the high pitch. She loved Patti to death, but the girl had a voice like a strangled toy poodle when excited.

“You’ve already been downstairs?” Ksenia yawned.

“I wanted to see Bryan one last time before we left. We ate breakfast together. You know, if you don’t hurry you will miss breakfast. It’s ten o’clock already…. When is the limo picking us up for the airport?”

“Oh my God, Patti. Slow down. I haven’t had my coffee yet.”
Guest Post
Thank you so much for having me here today! I’m so excited to be your guest.
Just a little research! Mmmm, more like a lot of research. I did a lot for this story, even though it was a novella. I researched the Denver area – studied maps, roads, terrain. I’ve never been to Denver, but I really want to go now! I studied weather reports, the police department, and sheriff’s office. I read Russian dictionaries and chatted with people from Russian to make sure I got the phrasing right for Ksenia’s character and the other Russian characters. (That was fun!).
This was also my first story ever with a crime scene. That was a huge learning experience and I loved every bit of it. I can’t wait to write another high action, gunfight, chase, kidnapping… the possibilities are endless.
What? You know you like to see characters in trouble before they get together. Or is that just me? Well…don’t read this book if you don’t like action, kidnapping, shoot-outs, near death experiences for the hero and heroine, and steamy fabulous sex.

Krystal is giving away a $10 Starbucks GC (Grand Prize) or 2 eBook copies of "A Very Russian Christmas" (secondary prize; 1 each to 2 winners). Contest is tour-wide, open internationally and ends Mar 6. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter. 

Follow the tour for more excerpts, guest posts, etc., and chances to enter: The tour schedule -

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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