Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cat Thursday - Cats Are Liquid

I decided to join in this weekly meme hosted by  The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at  The True Book Addict.
I saw this pic on facebook and it made laugh; it's so true!
  Or is it?

My cat's version:
As you can see, he wasn't entirely successful in filling his container. :D


  1. Ha Ha - I love how cats take up any space, no matter how small or large and it always suits them.

    New follower via GFC, and new participator in this meme.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    1. Hi Holly, cats do like cozy spaces; that's for sure. I'm always amazed at how flexible and agile they are.

  2. So true! And he looks pretty content despite spilling out of his container a bit! Glad you are joining Cat Thursday Bea!!

    1. He was pretty happy, despite the fact he was overflowing. :D

      I've been meaning to join for several weeks and kept forgetting. I got smart and added it to my blog calendar.

  3. Maybe it takes some practice, he will have to sit in more things to see. :) New follower coming over through Cat Thursday.

    1. Oh I hope not. He already sits or lies down in any box I foolishly leave around. He's also partial to the laundry basket but only when it has clean clothes in it. :D

  4. LOL.
    Cats are liquids! I love it :D
    Thanks for a great Cat Thursday post!!

    PS I fixed the pics in mine... don't know why they weren't working..

  5. ::snort:: Cats are just too funny with the places they decide to smoosh into. Love it! And aws your boy is so handsome!


    1. Aww, thanks. I think so but I'm biased. I have a couple other pics of him fitting into boxes, or not fitting. :D

  6. I saw that on Facebook too, Bea. Too true!

    Your kitty sure is a gorgeous one. They just love squeezing in too small boxes, don't they?


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