Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Linda Lael Miller: Excerpt, Guest Post & Giveaway of Big Sky Mountain

It's my pleasure to have Romance author Linda Lael Miller back again today with another guest post, and an excerpt from her newest book, "Big Sky Mountain", part of her Swoon-Worthy Cowboys series.

Photo from author website

As the daughter of a town marshal, Linda has come home to the western lifestyle that gave birth to one of today’s most successful authors. She left Washington years ago and pursued her wanderlust, living in Arizona and London and traveling the world. Now the author of more than 100 novels, the “First Lady of the West” is glad to be back home, writing contemporary and historical stories that have earned her awards and placements on all the national bestsellers lists.

Linda traces the birth of her writing career to the day when a Northport teacher told her that the stories she was writing were good, that she just might have a future in writing. Later, when she decided to write novels, she endured her share of rejection before she sold FLETCHER’S WOMAN in 1983 to Pocket Books. Since then, Linda has successfully published historicals, contemporaries, paranormals, and thrillers before coming home, in a literal sense, and concentrating on novels with a Western flavor. For her devotion to her craft, the Romance Writers of America awarded her their prestigious Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007.

Linda’s 2011 contemporary Creed Cowboy trilogy—A CREED IN STONE CREEK, CREED’S HONOR and THE CREED LEGACY, released in March, June and July, respectively—each debuted in the number one position on the New York Times bestseller list.

First up is Linda's guest post, then a brief excerpt and book info at the end. Enjoy!

When brainstorming your next storyline, do you know whether it will be a trilogy or a stand-alone book? Can you discuss the differences between writing a trilogy or a stand-alone?

I usually think in terms of a series—there are actually six books in the Parable/Big Sky group. I’ve tried many times to write a stand-alone book—I meant “The Man from Stone Creek” to be one—but I seem to be wired for trilogies. J Some engaging secondary character always appears, with a story to be told, and the next thing I know, I’m off and running. Some of my early books—“Fletcher’s Woman” and “Willow” come to mind—were intended as single stories and stayed that way, but the series thing goes back a long way. My first series was the Corbin books—there were brothers, and an interesting sister, too. So the first book turned into four. It’s organic with me—I guess I just think in terms of big, sweeping stories with casts of thousands!



Hutch’s head reeled, but he quickly reminded himself, silently of course, that he had to live in this town—his ranch was just a few miles outside of it. If he passed out cold at his own wedding, he’d still be getting ribbed about it when he was ninety.

While the next bridesmaid started forward, he did his distracted best to avoid so much as glancing toward Brylee Parrish, his wife to be, who was standing at the back of the church beside her brother, Walker. He knew all too well how good she looked in that heirloom wedding gown of hers, with its billowing veil and dazzling sprinkle of rhinestones.

Brylee was beautiful, with cascades of red-brown hair that tumbled to her waist when she let it down. Her wide-set hazel eyes revealed passion, as well as formidable intelligence, humor and a country girl’s in-born practicality.

He was a lucky man.

Brylee, on the other hand, was not so fortunate, having hooked up with the likes of him. She deserved a husband who loved her.


Book Blurb (from goodreads): 

With his rugged good looks, vast wealth and family name, hell-raiser Hutch Carmody is still the golden boy of Parable, Montana. But he's done some growing up-making peace with his illegitimate half brother and inheriting half of Whisper Creek Ranch, which should have been all his. These days, Hutch knows there are some things money can't buy: like the heart of loving, ladylike divorcĂ© e Kendra Shepherd.  

Kendra's quiet mansion reminds her of what she wants most-a devoted husband and the pitter-patter of little feet. She can't get Hutch Carmody out of her mind. But a rough-and-tumble cowboy like Hutch, coming home for family dinner? Seems crazy! Then again, crazier dreams have become reality under the vast Montana sky. 

By: Linda Lael Miller
Publisher: HQN Books
ISBN: 9780373776610
Length: 384 pages
Release Date: July 31, 2012
Website & Blog
Buying Links:   Amazon   Barnes & Noble  The Book Depository 
Follow her blog tour:



Thanks to Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, I have one paperback copy for a reader in the US or Canada. Comment below, telling me why this book appeals to you. Please leave a way for me to contact you - email, twitter handle, etc.

Please read my Giveaway Policy.

You do not need to be a follower to enter.

Giveaway ends Saturday August 11th, at 11:59PM EST.

Good luck!

ETA 8/12/12: Using, a winner has been chosen.

ETA 8/15/12: I didn't hear back from the first winner so I've drawn a new name and emailed that person. When I hear back, I'll announce their name.


  1. I have loved Linda's books for year and love a good cowboy romance. I would love to win.

  2. I know I will love this book because I already own a bunch of Linda's books.

  3. Thank you for the chance to win! edyiscecreamlover18@GmailDOTcom

  4. Ms Lael-Miller knows how to weave a fabulous story of love, friendship and strong bond. Her books, revolving around the west and modern day cowboys are one of a kind.


    dawne dot prochilo at

  5. I love cowboy romances. Please enter me in contest.

  6. Can't resist a modern day cowboy in a great setting!


  7. Sounds like a good read. I love the name Hutch.

  8. I enjoy stories that have ranches and cowboys in them.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  9. The cowboy appeals to me.



Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!